Featured Another Lincoln, inspired by another’s post

Discussion in 'Art' started by mmarco102, May 23, 2023.

  1. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Found @2manybooks information on @916Bulldogs123 Abraham Lincoln’s engraving post interesting. Was hoping to get your insight on this one I have had for over ten years from an estate auction near Chicago, Illinois. I remember finding a similar one online back then but can not find it now. Don’t know if it was the same one or not. 10”X7”
    Tagging those tagged in 916Bulldog’s post. @moreotherstuff @Debora

    thank you for looking.

    AD2DE42A-E403-4E98-8283-735E7D95EE24.jpeg 59990DD9-0D87-4207-BCB2-1F000A8E1BEE.png 550F9B05-A10F-4F7E-ADB0-8FEA348FCBB6.png E3205583-4353-4ECD-BC68-8C3B2785AB58.png 8629C89C-AB91-4E90-B399-C13B5F21ADCC.png C48FA967-840E-476A-8903-62C1E2F5570C.jpeg
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  2. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

  3. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Very nice, thanks for the find. *thumbs up*
    By chance would you understand the significance why the “Published by” near the bottom and the extra print under the bust? I also see the “Engraved by” is different :eek:.

    Or maybe point me in a direction to google it myself.

    Ooops! I see now one is etched buy, one it’s engraved by. My bad.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    wlwhittier likes this.
  4. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I hadn't even noticed. They are not exactly the same. Yours appears to be an engraving, theirs is an etching. The backgrounds are marginally different.

    This is the Marshall engraving:

    So my guess is that HB Hall wanted a Lincoln image, so they used the Marshall engraving as a source. Maybe they ran into copyright problems and decided to make the image their own by significantly re-working it. I don't know why HB Hall would otherwise produce both an etching and an engraving. But both have the same inscription.

    You can compare theirs against yours to see if they are identical:

    It's not as simple as it seemed at first.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
    mmarco102 and wlwhittier like this.
  5. 916Bulldogs123

    916Bulldogs123 Well-Known Member

    Very cool!
    mmarco102 likes this.
  6. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Thanks :). Think it now goes without saying the handwriting same person,different signature. Obvious more differences, but point made.

    2B0DCB7F-C497-4A67-A68C-F4874D4BDE4B.png B9790B89-88D4-4D30-83D0-54F3C53DBEC2.png 94F314DC-D6E8-4B2C-81CB-5EC66C244319.png 3547627B-E39A-42B9-9A1D-48B953280933.jpeg FE4F16D4-C369-4B59-A816-2262AD265E6F.jpeg 660D07B6-C7EB-4C40-87B3-26CB61E07FEB.jpeg
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  7. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Isn't it a bit of a puzzle? Maybe you can contact the Ohio History Connection and get dimensions for another comparison. They give dimensions in that link, but I don't know what they're talking about.
    mmarco102 likes this.
  8. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Some one said on a stamp board the 180 Wabash Ave suite 515 Chicago was a RedCross Headquarters in 1918, but I can not seem to confirm.

    Can anyone decipher the name under that address “R???d Dean?”?
  9. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I think that name may be Dixon as well, and maybe a phone number?


    Looks to be a framer's note.
  10. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Yes, I see HC Dixon associated with address, was looking at the signature on bottom. You make a very good point as to possibly a framer’s note, all be it a simple frame

    regardless, Marshall’s was one year after Lincoln’s passing, so don’t think anything else matters *shrugs*

    thanks again…
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
  11. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

  12. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Outstanding! Without a doubt that is the same signature. Thank you for the find. Seems as though there is print on the adjacent pages, which would indicate the addition of extra pages intending for the engravings to be framed(my imagination). The measurements do add up. Thank you

    update: appears I was right. :)
    2manybooks likes this.
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