Featured Another Asante Akuaba? Fertility Carving: Age & Authenticity?

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by wlwhittier, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    I may have posted this about 18 moths ago, an' if so please forgive my faulty memory for this dupe.

    She's 14 1/2" tall, her head is ~6 3/8 high...set at a slight angle back from her neck; convex on the back an' wedge-shaped on the front, 7/16" thick at her chin to less than an 8th inch at the top. 4 3/8" across her arms; her conical foot is ~2 1/4" diameter, an' tho' reasonably flat she will just barely stand...a breath will knock her over.
    Her face an' all facial features are very finely finished, as are the lineal features on the back of her head...but they're strangely offset to the right. There are 4 rings around her throat, about 3/8" apart. She sports an 'outie' navel. Her weight is 7 ounces.

    I'd love to know whether she is authentic, or particularly old...or anything y'all can tell me about what you see here.
    Thanks for lookin'!

    P1320058.jpeg P1320060.jpeg P1320059.jpeg P1320063.jpeg P1320061.jpeg P1320062.jpeg
    judy, Figtree3 and antidiem like this.
  2. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    She looks good. These are difficult to date without a specific history.
    judy, Figtree3, Any Jewelry and 2 others like this.
  3. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Thank you! What little history I have is certainly irrelevant; picked up at an estate sale on Washington's North Olympic Peninsula in the late 1990's for $1...a young lady was selling her mothers stuff after a premature cancer death. Little else there of interest, iirc.
    judy and Figtree3 like this.
  4. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    As for the authentic power of this fertility godess,this must be self evident-look how rampantly they reproduce...more than this,I can not say.
    judy, wlwhittier and 2manybooks like this.
  5. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Yup...Discretion is the better part of Valor, Bosko!
    I won't allow my daughters or granddaughters anywhere near it!
    judy likes this.
  6. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Exactly my dear fellow,most wise. Exposing oneself to Art can indeed broaden ones horizon,but broadening oneself, and indeed ones girth-but yes, at a judicious age !
    judy and wlwhittier like this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    It's a nice clean carving & has the desired look of authenticity.

    Nice purchase.
    judy, Figtree3 and wlwhittier like this.
  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

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