Featured Am Interested with this XIXth cent Marine Painting.."Raft of the Medusa"?? Pls Help!!

Discussion in 'Art' started by BTZ64, Feb 11, 2020.


Any idea..Period and Painter..??

  1. Which style of Painting

    1 vote(s)
  2. Something to do with Raft of the Medusa..??

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  1. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Here is a painting I am interested to buy....But seems having a connection with the "Raft of the Medusa" Subject History...I would say this Oil painting on wood ,won't be older than XIXth Period...Not signed..A little crackled..And yellowish old vernish as well....
    I don't think that the frame is the original one..?? But measures:49x38cm
    The Painting itself measures:39x30cm on a wood pannel.
    The scene looks quite interesting...Could be a copy of a Better Known Painting..??
    Please inform me with details...Would love to get it a right price...Before Sunday 16th.
    Any infos,details,recommendation,proofs...Are very welcome.
    Thanking you in advance 001.JPG 002.JPG 004.JPG 005.JPG 003.JPG 006.JPG
    kyratango, Figtree3 and Any Jewelry like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    A shipwreck, yes, but a boat rather than a raft. And no signs of cannibalism (yet).:nailbiting:
    It is not a painting (original) I know, but there are some great searchers here.
  3. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Thanks..!! As usual..
    kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  4. Lithographer

    Lithographer Well-Known Member

    It seems to me that a serious painter addressing a subject like this would not put birds in the picture. Also the angle of the birds to the direction of the wind does not make sense, I think in reality they would get blown away. In addition, the width of the growth rings on the back of the frame are much wider than what I would expect from wood harvested in the 19th century.
    BTZ64 likes this.
  5. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Thank you..That's help to know...Maybe a Copy by an Amateur Painter..??
  6. Lithographer

    Lithographer Well-Known Member

    Yes, I suspect that is what it is. If the birds, the boat and the men were not in the painting I would like it much better.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    The only thing it has in common with The Raft of Medusa is water.


    Lithographer likes this.
  8. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Survivors on a stormy sea is a common theme found in 19th century art. Sometimes inspired from real events. I could find none that yours matches exactly. While fairly competent, I do not see this as a masterpiece.
    kyratango, Any Jewelry and BTZ64 like this.
  9. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

  10. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Clever you! And always interesting to compare original with copy. The scene is the same but the art is gone.


    Houseful likes this.
  11. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    kyratango and Houseful like this.
  12. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    kyratango likes this.
  13. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Aivazovsky's work was painted in 1873. The Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow provides no acquisition information on its web site but certainly could be a late-Victorian copy. And apparently there is some Géricault influence as it follows in the tradition of his 1820 work Scene of the Deluge. According to the internet, Dostoyevsky's favorite work.


    kyratango and BTZ64 like this.
  14. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Thanks very much for those information...But will be for me a good reason to save money and to hope finding something better...Merci encore..JB
    Debora and Houseful like this.
  15. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Those two look too close to be mere coincidence!!
    verybrad likes this.
  16. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Sorry don't understand your reply..??
  17. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Aquitaine means that the one you were asking about looks so much like the Aivazovsky painting that it really has to be a copy of the Aivazovsky painting.
    kyratango, BTZ64 and Aquitaine like this.
  18. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Thank you @Any Jewelry!! I also straightened & tried to enhance OP's original image.....the little bit of added color or contrast makes it stand out a bit more....... in comparison......

    kyratango, Any Jewelry and BTZ64 like this.
  19. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Big Time..!! Thanks for the clarification...Yes He is 200% right as You are.
    kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  20. BTZ64

    BTZ64 JB64000

    Thanks a lot.
    kyratango likes this.
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