Hi, Wasn't sure where to post these. Well, they are art of a sort. I'm hoping some of you can tell me about these boards, such as years made ballpark worth in present condition. Bought them for next to nothing to repurpose but found that some have fetched decent prices on eBay. Thanks.
Maybe these people can help you: https://retrosnow.com/ Will you let us know if you find out anything?
I remember Avalanche. I knew several of their pro riders. They were one of the very early board companies. Avalanche was most active in the Lake Tahoe area. I don't think those boards are super early. Many of the earliest boards had different bindings setups as the makers experimented with different systems. If you don't find an answer on the retro site linked above, I could email your pics to someone that rode for Avalanche, and later for Burton. He would probably know time periods of the boards, but probably not value.
Hi all, Going through some old emails and didn't realize Dave Billinghurst of Retro Snow was kind enough to get back to me about the boards. Here's his reply below: Dave Billinghurst <daveb@puredesigngroup.com> Dec 31, 2021, 7:37 PM These boards are cool but not super collectible. You have a MORROW APLINE RACE BOARD. This is a cool board, I think 1992 or 93 is the year. Made in Salem Oregon. Rob Morrow was a pro rider and his family was rich and he started the brand named after himself. They later sold to k2 and it became a big box brand and is dead now but back in 1992 they were big. Great company, made their own board in Salem in their own factory. Race boards are not that desirable but there are some guys that collect them. BURTON Air This was burtons price point entry level board and the 64 for 164cm was the 2nd biggest board. This is also I think a 1993 or 94. Can’t remember for sure. The boards a couple years before this one were a bit more desirable for collectors but someone that might be looking to collect the entire air series from that year might be looking for this one as it wasn’t the most popular size and is harder to find. Burton is biggest brand in snowboarding and was started by Jake Burton the founder of the brand and one of the sports original companies next to tom sims from sims snowboards. Jake was based in Vermont and sims on in cali. Tom sims was a surfer and super popular skateboarder when he started sims and Jake was a Vermont guy from ny that had more of an east coast vibe and he was more of a business man and took Burton to the top of the industry. Both tom and Jake died in the past couple of years. AVALANCHE Not sure which model this is but its about the same as the others I think. Avalanche was a Utah based company and was big in the late 80s but by the 90s they were pretty much dead.