2 Original Sketches signed Balthus & Modigliani. Interesting.

Discussion in 'Art' started by Kasperscuriosities, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Kasperscuriosities

    Kasperscuriosities Two hundred years too late.

    Okay so first I will say that the owner of these has told me he does not think they are original Balthus or Modigliani but rather in the style of Balthus and Modigliani. There is some good age to the paper and they are signed but they have never been looked at by an expert. We are going to start them at $20 each. They are interesting. Who knows but I wanted to share. Maybe a high school art project? LOL! ;-) In all seriousness the paper does appear to be very old. They were purchased in a larger lot of items at an Estate sell by the current owner. They kind of strike me as just doodles more than true sketches but what do I know? LOL! Stranger things have happened. LOL!

    lauragarnet likes this.
  2. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Maybe the person who drew yours sketched them while on a visit to the museum(s) where the originals are.

    The first one is rather nice, but the second one is just plain weird.
    Kasperscuriosities likes this.
  4. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
    Kasperscuriosities likes this.
  5. Kasperscuriosities

    Kasperscuriosities Two hundred years too late.

    I am trying to google translate but my phone isn't cooperating. LOL.
  6. Kasperscuriosities

    Kasperscuriosities Two hundred years too late.

    That's what I was thinking too.
  7. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Well, I will confess, have mimicked many of the Masters, especially in high school. Indeed, I have. My one claim to ethics is that I didn't usually include a forged signature... *sigh*
    Hey, I was clueless.
    komokwa and Kasperscuriosities like this.
  8. Kasperscuriosities

    Kasperscuriosities Two hundred years too late.

    That's the weird part of it I can see copying it but then to also Forge the signature strange
  9. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Yeah. I was just copying. No intent of fooling anybody but who knows where that stuff winds up.
    Kasperscuriosities likes this.
  10. Kasperscuriosities

    Kasperscuriosities Two hundred years too late.

    It ends up on Antiques Roadshow. LOL
  11. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    And got edited out, no doubt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    FAAAAAAKE, get these outta here!

    They were all on modern acid-free drawing paper... hint, hint!
    Kasperscuriosities likes this.
  12. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    When I was an art student we used to go sit in the museum and copy the classics. I suppose the signature, too, although I was more interested in the figures and we didn't do the modern stuff.
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