Featured 2 Door Shrine?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by journeymagazine, May 26, 2018.

  1. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    I found this at a estate sale today & think it's one of the coolest pieces I've found yet!
    Any idea of age or whether or is real or a 'tourist' piece?
    It feels like wood but it is red in places it has been worn down some?
    Thanks for any info.
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Could it be that it was originally red & has been painted over? Surprised no one else has weighed in. This is the province of @Any Jewelry
    kyratango and Christmasjoy like this.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is a portable Buddhist shrine. Lovely, but no great age. The Chinese have been making a lot of these lately.
    kyratango, Christmasjoy and Bronwen like this.
  4. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    I was pretty sure it was not too old by the phillips screws - anything made with them is most likely post 70's, right?
    Christmasjoy likes this.
  5. AuDragon

    AuDragon Well-Known Member

    I'm with AJ on this one, but I know it as a Travelling Shrine. You carried it with you when you moved from place to place, like on holidays or a pilgrimage. The Japanese seemed to perfect them and some of the gilt shrines are stunning and hugely valuable. This one looks Chinese, and probably tourist, but I am fascinated by the screws. Do you think they are original? I can't see the two sides of the hinges, but I would have expected much older or more professional flat head screws in this. The hinges just look all wrong to me.
    Christmasjoy and Huntingtreasure like this.
  6. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member

    Is this similar to a triptych?
    kyratango and Christmasjoy like this.
  7. AuDragon

    AuDragon Well-Known Member

    I usually associate a triptych as a three panel painting (old or new) of the same or related sizes shown together but it can also apply to carved or relief panels. I thought it was originally used to refer to religious panels that had the same theme and could be hung or attached together. They were often shown over altars or in churches. This is the traditional use of the word, but I notice it is being applied recently to other mediums such as videos and sculptures. So technically the answer is yes.
    Here is a modest little triptych by Bosch.:)
  8. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much. I think you are right that the definition has morphed. That’s why I asked. I saw several of this type of box style (but different scenes) referred to as triptychs. So now I know. Thank you!
    kyratango and Christmasjoy like this.
  9. AuDragon

    AuDragon Well-Known Member

    You are welcome HT. :)
    Christmasjoy and Huntingtreasure like this.
  10. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    I agree in that I would replace those screws with flat heads, not to make it look older just to be more pleasing to the eyes.
  11. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Ironically, we got a virtually identical one in to the shop the other day. My initial impression was it was modern resin but didn't look too closely. Sure it is modern due to the Phillips screws but will double check material today when I am there.
  12. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    I think it is made from wood
    kyratango and Christmasjoy like this.
  13. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Got a closer look at the one at work. Not identical but very similar. Definitely resin. Think it was cast from an original carved in wood. Does yours have a mark on the bottom?
  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    notice how the hinges seem to be laid over part of the design....

    you'd think with wood...they'd be countersunk.
    kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  15. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    When you have experience handling vintage and antique objects, as you do, initial impressions are often good.

    Chinese have these waves of mass-producing similar items which they dump on the international market. These shrines were one of the waves, I saw them by the hundreds on ebay a couple of years ago. If they are not resin, they are bound to be laser carved and antiqued. They will no doubt fool some 'experts', and end up in Christie auctions in 20 years time.
    Another time it will be "genuine Qing dynasty bronze censers" or brocade thangkas with gold weave. Then all of a sudden you see hundreds of "Roman" glass vases etc, all sold by Chinese sellers, and even "Phoenician" glass.
    That is why I didn't react with great enthusiasm to this shrine. Not that it isn't nice, it is, all those items are nice. But that is all they are. They just remind me once again how many Chinese are adulterating their own culture, and other people's cultures as well. No scruples, and no love for genuine soul and beauty.

    I check ebay every half year or so to see what the latest "antiques" fashion from China is. I recommend everyone who thinks they might buy Chinese antiques to do the same. Ideally you should do it more often, but only if you can stomach it. It is saddening.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  16. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Buying storage units from the Pavifiv islands I see art created with wood. If I get one from a industrial country I might see things created with metal, paintings, etc..
    My point being that man has a need to create art with whatever material at hand and some of it is incredible how they can take something from their inside their head & make it a reality - that's how I've come to love art (and especially unusual art I guess!).
    It is a shame that the special ones are being mass produced & taking away from the wonder of the original.
  17. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Sorry - Pacific Islands
    Huntingtreasure and Any Jewelry like this.
  18. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Don't apologize, I liked Pavifiv.:)
    komokwa and Huntingtreasure like this.
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