1870s Holy Bible - Adam Miller & Co., Toronto - Any info?

Discussion in 'Books' started by cow, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. cow

    cow New Member


    Just wondering if anyone might be able to help me find out more information about this Bible. I can't find any other copies of it anywhere.

    It's very large and heavy. The hard cover is beautiful but the binding is in pretty pitiful shape. It has been in my family for generations.

    Printing date assumed to be somewhere between 1876-1878

    I found a little bit of history on the Toronto-based Adam Miller & Co., but this is all I know about it so far

    The firm that later became W.J. Gage and Company began in Montreal in 1844
    as R. & A. Miller, Booksellers and Stationers. The firm expanded to Toronto
    in 1860, and in 1863 it became Adam Miller & Co. William Gage was hired as
    a clerk and bookkeeper in 1874. Adam Miller died the next year, at which time
    William Gage bought into a partnership with Miller's widow, an arrangement
    which lasted until 1878. Gage then went into partnership with Samuel George
    Beatty, who later became president of The Canada Publishing Company. The
    partnership with Beatty was dissolved in 1879, and the firm became known as
    W.J. Gage and Company, with Gage as sole owner, in 1880. The company was
    incorporated as a joint stock company in 1893. The physical plant was destroyed
    in the great Toronto fire of April, 1904, but Gage was able to rebuild with new
    and more efficient machinery, relocating from Front Street to Spadina Avenue.
    See W.J. Gage Co. Limited: A Story of Sixty-Five Successful Years, 1844-1909
    (Toronto: W.J. Gage, 1909).

    Any special significance to this particular copy, or just a run-of-the mill family bible? Any additional info would be appreciated!

    Mill Cove Treasures and KSW like this.
  2. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    cow likes this.
  3. cow

    cow New Member

    Nice find, thank you! Same centennial commission page and everything. I don't know if I want to sell it, it's too pretty. It seemed to be quite rare, as I cannot find another copy anywhere else on the internet.
  4. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    cow likes this.
  5. Jon L

    Jon L Well-Known Member

    That one probably sold to a Centennial Exhibition collector, not a Bible collector. Many, many old Bibles out there, most for a song. Ornate ones, however, do command a higher price. Centennial and International Exhibition collectors seem to have deep pockets.
    Fid, cow and Mill Cove Treasures like this.
  6. cow

    cow New Member

    I see a few other ornate centennial editions in the recommendations below that post on Worthpoint. Thanks for digging these up. I'd be curious about value difference (if any) of centennial editions versus centennial awarded. @Mill Cove Treasures' first link was a medal winner as well. Interesting stuff. When I first started looking around, I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to the award page

    I'd have a hard time selling a small family treasure like this (to me anyway) for what amounts to a 2022 tank of gas.

    It's sad that they don't make books like this anymore.

    Thanks to all for your input
    Figtree3 and Potteryplease like this.
  7. Mill Cove Treasures

    Mill Cove Treasures Well-Known Member

    cow likes this.
  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    There are genealogical and historical organizations that have collections of family Bibles. Sometimes they just have photocopies of the family information pages. Even if you keep the Bible, you may want to donate photocopies of pages to an organization that is local to the area where the people lived. Another possibility is an org that collects more widely. Not sure whether the family was in Canada or the U.S., but the American Ancestors, a.k.a. the New England Historic Genealogical Society in Boston, is interested in such information.

    And that is very interesting about interest in the publisher's publicity about their Centennial award. I collect antique photography and there was a trend in the late 19th century for photographers to print similar information on the back of cabinet card photographs, from all sorts of exhibitions. Some were quite elaborate and "bragged" about many exhibitions. Here is an example of one that just listed the 1876 U. S. Centennial.
    Mosher card2 resized.JPG
  9. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Welcome @cow. Does your Bible have illustrations? The page touting their medal awards notes that the awards were made "for our illustrated editions of the Holy Bible". I would expect something like "Illustrated Edition" to be on the title page if yours was actually one of the award winning versions. Otherwise, I think that page about the awards is just a form of advertising for their more expensive editions.

    In our experience as used book sellers, such family Bibles rarely command significant prices. $50-100 if you are lucky. Those with bindings in better condition are more desirable.
  10. Barbara W. Preston

    Barbara W. Preston Active Member

    If you Bible has its genealogy pages intact and you would not mind sharing the information, please contact one of your local chapters of the Daughters of the American Revolution and ask the to submit the information to National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. If you cannot find a DAR chapter, please contact me and I will have you send me the photocopies of the genealogy pages and I will type up the pages and send them to you to sign to send them to NSDAR. This information will then be included in their files for research by ladies needed information to complete their family genealogical line to Revolutionary War patriots.
    Thank you for sharing this old Bible with us today.
    Figtree3 likes this.
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