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“They don’t make ‘em like this anymore”. Handsome as can be. As a collectible the damage may hurt its value. As a handsome and functional piece of...
He was a swell fellow for sure. I thought he was hilarious.
I kind of prefer the British version as well. For those that don’t know, the Pluto app on your smart tv/phone has a 24/7 British roadshow channel,...
Since my last two posts were in regards to British silver and since he has been on my mind I figured I’d make an RIP post for Michael. I know some...
Thanks for the responses guys. This is a great bit of knowledge to have heading forward. Going forward if a piece of small British silver lacks a...
Glad y’all enjoyed it as much as I did! I was hoping they’d go into how he acquired the objects a bit. I guess that could have been traumatic for...
What a spectacular collection and interesting story here! https://youtu.be/INCBlYbdn0U?si=DEtuchO-s9tVeNE2 The triple snuff and the wine taster...
How is this best explained? Not mine, don’t have better photos, just curious. Looks to be silver hallmarks, just lacking the city mark. It was...
Dang that is fantastic. I’d love to have found that. Very elegant thing!
I had an egg pendant once. It was marked and had a very legit looking box. I think the egg may have been legit and possibly had an addition of an...
A great video produced to advertise an upcoming Dreweatts auction. [MEDIA] I’d like everything. The chips and parasol handle are the ones I’m...
One small item in her inventory could be potentially be worth more than all the other items combined. Having someone that might recognize that...
I’ve got this one, 4”-5”. Looks like a fish or shark? I’m sure I looked it up a long time ago.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Barker Ellis/Ellis Barker is worth picking up usually. As long as it’s cheap. It has a pretty good base of people that look for it. WMF of...
Despite knowing it wasn’t Danish I also thought immediately that it has a very Danish inspired look.
I’ve got a pair of green elephants in the basement. Painted pot metal bookends. They are pretty dang funky looking. Can’t bring myself to sell them.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner. I’ve had a few of them. They are hard to sell in good condition. There are tons of them out there. I’ve been...
Very interesting thought. Either way the square blocks look strange to me. That would be neat if that’s what is going on though. Once you look at...
I’ve got an album of some pretty dang nasty ones. I love it though.
I thought alligator when I saw it. Funky cool thing.
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