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I'm asking for a friend. Does anybody know who might have made this perfume? We have been trying to identify the maker of this bottle for some...
A friend of mine is looking for some info on this Leerdam Vase. He has posted it on a couple other sites and I offered to post it here. This is...
A few weeks ago (and I dont remember how we got on the subject) the Mrs mentioned when she was younger, she really wanted a Caboodles Make-up...
I am looking at picking up a antique perfume funnel to go with the Mrs' atomizer. I came across this one on Ebay. and was wondering if anybody...
You might want to check out the sale at the Henderson Convention Center 200 S. Water St. 9am until 4pm. February 17th and 18th. An acquaintance of...
Well, I am thinking about buying my wife a nice Cameo Necklace for our anniversary or Christmas (I haven't decided yet LOL) I know absolutely...
@verybrad etal I need to replace the casters on a chair my wife has. These are identical to the ones that are in the chair now. The auction...
I am posting this for someone on one of the facebook pages I belong to It does glow green under blacklight. Any info would be greatly...
I stumbled across this and thought some of yu might enjoy it...
Who doesnt have a pile of tupperware kicking around :) I am looking for 4 or 5 tupperware measuring cups (The older ones). The first one is a...
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned. Hey Gila, did you buy this?...
I am cross posting this for a friend. Thanks! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I have an acquaintance who is looking for a copy of the April 1977 issue. If anybody has one stashed away, let me know. Thanks!
@verybrad (and anyone else interested.) I received that Loetz Schaumglas vase I had posted in the "Finds" thread. The label on it is pretty worn...
Well, some of you know I like to get started on my Christmas shopping early. At some point this year I plan on buying the Mrs a Tiffany Inkwell...
My wife picked this up on a recent trip and surprised me with it for Christmas. Totally caught me off guard as I really don't collect much stuff....
A friend on another board is wondering if anybody could come up with a maker for this vase. (I think it may have been a liquor bottle but the top...
I had these identified before but I cant for the life of me remember where it was noted. Both are approx 10.5 to 11" tall [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
A long story short, when my wife and I were in Greece, she picked up a tourist hand fan to cool herself down. She has been using it around the...
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