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1961 Formula 1 Grand Prix Photo Negatives Spa Solitude

Discussion in 'Sell' started by Jerry Coker, Sep 21, 2024.

  1. Jerry Coker

    Jerry Coker Active Member

    bercrystal and Figtree3 like this.
  2. Jerry Coker

    Jerry Coker Active Member

    I added a few more photo negatives this week, of drivers Phil Hill & Wolfgang von Trips. Hill was the first American driver to win the F1 drivers championship (he did it in 1961!), and was the winner of this 1961 GP race in Belgian, driving for Ferrari. Also driving for Ferrari was the aristocratic Count Wolfgang Von Trips, who died in a horrible crash a few weeks after this race, at the 1961 Italian GP. Here is the eBay link:
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