Featured Necklace unknown maker

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Desertau, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    Anyone recognize this design?

    My wife got this from a friend it seems quality costume, possibly genuine gem stones, it’s not marked anywhere I can see.

    The odds are it is some generic unidentifiable item but I am continually amazed at the individual and collective knowledge of this group.
    IMG_2024-06-30-235940.jpeg IMG_2024-07-01-000003.jpeg IMG_2024-06-30-235856.jpeg
  2. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Not costume. Silver, might be lower grade and possibly jade beads. I can’t decide where it’s from. Chinese or Nepal I think.

    @Any Jewelry
    reader, kyratango, johnnycb09 and 3 others like this.
  3. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    Interesting, this was something her friend gave her in hope of trading for other jewelry but my wife wasn’t really interested in it so her friend gave it to her anyway. I thought the stones and beads were legitimate and the little fresh water pearls were obviously real, but I wasn’t sure.
    kyratango, johnnycb09 and Dessert58 like this.
  4. RachelW

    RachelW Well-Known Member

    I'd have that in a heart beat, what a lovely thing! If I had a gem tester handy I'd give it a spin on those stones, just to see if anything comes up.
    Hinarushi, johnnycb09 and Desertau like this.
  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    The pendant looks like the modern Ottoman style jewellery that has been coming out of Turkey the last 20 years or so. They use silver together with brass or bronze.
    The stones are usually said to be rubies and emeralds, but I don't have anything in this new style, so I have never tested one. I have an old Armenian set in a similar style, and it is set with genuine rubies.
    The beads could be Chinese, but it could also be a Turkish combo that I haven't seen yet. I am leaning towards the latter.

    Maybe you'll find a similar one if you google "Ottoman style necklace".
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
  6. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I knew you’d know. The Jade confuzzled me, it looked Chinese. And actually I wonder if someone put that ottoman style pendant on a Chinese necklace?

    I should have known Turkish with those sort of plaity dangles.
  7. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    I have one of those modern Ottoman Turkish rings. Bought for dirt cheap. Its humongous. But indeed silver and ruby s and emeralds showed up genuine when I tested them.
    Must be low quality ones.
    This necklace is pretty, nice catch!
  8. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    I’m sure my wife has a tester for diamond's I’ve never seen her bother to test other gem stones, she either knows what they are or knows the source. I think even if these are emerald and ruby due to the size and cut the total value is not much. I was more curious if this was maybe some recognizable designer piece?

    I took a quick Look art Nepal and ottoman but picture search hones in on the beads and dangles and I don’t know how to filter the results for a more productive search.

    but I think my main question is answered if there was anything unique about this piece you would know.
    kyratango likes this.
  9. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    Thank you I’m confident all this information is spot on, thank you and everyone for this help snd happy hunting.
    kyratango likes this.
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, that modern Ottoman style jewellery is very cheap. Also very attractive.
    Oh, good.:)
    Hinarushi, Dessert58 and kyratango like this.
  11. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    There is nothing Nepali about this necklace, Himalayan culture is a world away from Turkish culture.
    Maybe if you try "Ottoman Turkish style necklace"?
    Hinarushi and kyratango like this.
  12. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    Her friend has been careless paying too much for jewelry that’s not what it’s claimed to be my wife is trying to educate her but not much you can do to correct past mistakes except not to make them again, I guess she also had a couple jadeite bangles in the mix that were suspicious she wanted to trade for this carved black nephrite ring her husband liked.
  13. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    Another from the same artist, I like this one.
    IMG_2024-07-01-101011.png IMG_2024-07-01-100946.png
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Those rings are amazing.:jawdrop:
    I like it too. Reminds me of a funnelweb spider I once had in my bedroom in Sydney, Australia. I lived to tell the tale.;)

    And it is one for @kyratango !:singing::happy:
  15. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    These artists are really good… IMG_2024-07-01-103820.png
    Any Jewelry, Dessert58 and kyratango like this.
  16. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    A funnel web spider… Australia, where everything wants to kill you, sound like an interesting story.
    kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  17. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    :eek: the spiiiider killed me:dead:, my greatest phobia, and it is so REALISTIC:woot:
    The dog is incredible, that artist has huge talent!!!
    @Desertau Nothing to add to AJ identification and search hints.
    It is a cute necklace!
    Any Jewelry and Desertau like this.
  18. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    INCREDIBLE RENDERING!!! And those minuscules ants!!!:woot:
    Any Jewelry and Desertau like this.
  19. Desertau

    Desertau Well-Known Member

    The jade is all untreated too, they carve the design around the natural color found in the stone.

    one more,
    Any Jewelry and kyratango like this.
  20. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    None too fond of the spider, but I have a cousin who'd want that badly. The doggie is a lot more attractive, at least to me.
    kyratango and Desertau like this.
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