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How old is my Picasso with plate pressed edge seen in paper?

Discussion in 'Art' started by journeymagazine, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    I found this at my friend's thrift store yesterday - I went to buy a old professional bingo machine, but a truck was being unloaded & there was so much cool stuff, I spent all my money on other things instead of the bingo machine!

    One of the things i found was this Picasso print , that an image search told me was "Group de trous femmes"

    My question is twofold - it's not signed that I can see - is that normal?
    I can see where the plate with the art was pressed into the paper - is there anyway to tell how old this is?

    PS - also below is a 2nd piece I got; it's a fun piece signed & numbered (with coa) by Russian artist Mikhail Chemiakin.

    And one of the coolest - a bust of the Count & Countess Dracula!

    Thank you again for any help on the Picasso!

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    charlie cheswick and Marote like this.
  2. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Picasso prints were and are sold by the thousands on cruise ships, through Park West which has at various times been in the news for duping buyers. Your location makes it all the more likely it's from a cruise. So 21st century.

    The Draculas look like a very nice couple who should definitely be invited in! :vamp: What a fun Halloween decoration.
  3. Mark London

    Mark London Well-Known Member

    The Picasso is entitled “The Three Graces” (les trois grâces). The is a Collectors Guild edition of 1500 which are unsigned but numbered and embossed.
  4. Mark London

    Mark London Well-Known Member

  5. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    Thanks all
    I did ok , I got the Picasso, chemiakin + 2 others, + Mr & ms Dracula, a Cannondale r400 race/road bike (rims have broken spokes) and a complete Callaway Big Bertha X14 golf club set (irons, drivers & bag) all for about $175 + tax.
    I'm ahead on the clubs or bike, but always hoping I find a treasure in a piece of art - even when a Chinese factory piece, I just like cool/unusual art - I can't help it! So when other buys cover my costs I still feel like a winner!
    Thank you again everyone for this help & all your past help - this site is the best!
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