Featured Size does matter! A HUGE Roman Gradual binding!

Discussion in 'Books' started by Ex Libris, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. LP75

    LP75 New Member

    IMG_6892small.jpg IMG_7072 small.jpg IMG_6893small.jpg IMG_6894small.jpg Hi all, I'm sorry, I tried to post a link to the photos but it didn't go through. And yes, the pages are all still intact but not all are in great condition. Hopefully this works!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2024
    Ex Libris, Any Jewelry and Figtree3 like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    mostly intact...;)
    Ex Libris likes this.
  3. LP75

    LP75 New Member

    The binding is intact (although perhaps the leather layer may have worn off?) and the pages are all still connected and it appears to be the entire song. Nothing falls out- it's all connected so I thought that would mean intact. The condition of some of the pages as shown isn't great but from what I know of conservationism, can be cleaned up (not including those who have parts missing from the bottom).
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I'm being picky on the wording....and as good as the condition may be.....

    .Intact..: untouched especially by anything that harms or diminishes : ENTIRE, UNINJURED

    @Ex Libris ..?
    Ex Libris and Figtree3 like this.
  5. LP75

    LP75 New Member

    ah, gotcha, I was using it as "complete". As per that definition, sadly, that's not the case.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It does, and what an inheritance! Amazing! What do you plan to do with it?
    Ex Libris and komokwa like this.
  7. Ex Libris

    Ex Libris Well-Known Member

    Wow that is a fantastic book and very valuable! This book definitely needs a separate topic!

    What are the dimensions of the book? Do you know anything about the provenance (background story)? I have so many questions!
    Any Jewelry, komokwa and Figtree3 like this.
  8. Ex Libris

    Ex Libris Well-Known Member

    I would call it a rough but complete state hahaha. These liturgical books were made to use a lot. That is why they are almost never in a perfect shape.
  9. LP75

    LP75 New Member

    Ha, I agree. The book is 20.5x14.5, not very large compared to the other extremely large one on this thread! I don't have a record of ownership––it was a surprise find in an old cardboard box that was falling apart. I wish I knew more! I'm interested in getting the pages cleaned and treated/preserved and possibly selling it or putting it on loan with a museum (if they'd be interested in one that's in rough shape ;))
    Any Jewelry, Ex Libris and Figtree3 like this.
  10. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    that sounds like a daunting task........& $$$$$......
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  11. Ex Libris

    Ex Libris Well-Known Member

    As many of these graduals were produced in Spain it is likely this copy is produced there too.
    I think that preservation or cleaning would be quite expensive especially if I look how much similar books are valued. This is a gradual that has some pro’s and con’s against your copy: https://www.invaluable.com/auction-...ined&queryID=6ce0a1406ebcc600986c365ae5e08d7d. The price is lower than I expected.
  12. LP75

    LP75 New Member

    Thanks for sharing that info.
    Any Jewelry, komokwa and Ex Libris like this.
  13. Sedona

    Sedona Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous artifact! Please let us know what you do with it.
    Ex Libris likes this.
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