Bronze music man bench

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by Martin s, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Martin s

    Martin s Well-Known Member

    Sunny fine evening here in Ireland.was out weeding beside our bronze, music man bench we bought a good few years ago.It is very heavy and big enough to sit on.i think the metal is bronze but not sure. 20240401_182526_resize_58.jpg 20240401_182533_resize_70.jpg 20240401_182559_resize_38.jpg 20240401_182604_resize_16.jpg 20240401_182632_resize_12.jpg

    Never researched it much but noticed there are two signatures on the bench and what seems like a seal that i cannot make out.

    Maybe someone here might be able pin down the sculptor.

    Thanks as always for any help
    mirana, lovewrens and johnnycb09 like this.
  2. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Martin s and i need help like this.
  3. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    That foundry mark is super rough. The signature we might have a chance at if you light it from above and take more photos. 3D stuff usually needs a raking light to pop it out.
    Martin s and Chinoiserie like this.
  4. Chinoiserie

    Chinoiserie Well-Known Member

    Maybe try a light from a different angle and use the contrast of light and shadow to lift it.
    Martin s and mirana like this.
  5. Martin s

    Martin s Well-Known Member

    Thanks for looking.
    The first letter could be a capital B maybe in signature. 20240403_021447_resize_79.jpg 20240403_021604_resize_21.jpg 20240403_021753_resize_37.jpg 20240403_021938_resize_47.jpg
    mirana likes this.
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