Featured Carved Ivory Multi-Faced Totem: NA or ?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by wlwhittier, Mar 23, 2024.

  1. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Mods: this offering may be in the wrong place; if so, please amend my posting as appropriate...thanks!
    ~2 7/16" long, ~1 1/16" wide, ~3/4" thick; its weight is 24.3 grams. There are no opportunities to thread a cord, an' it won't stand...it has apparently been made to carry in a medicine bag. pouch, or pocket. There are 3 human faces, 1 of them masked; gender looks to be all female with the possible exception of the masked. There are 3 human hands; 2 under that mask, an' 1 cupping the egg beneath the owl; a wolf an' eagle complete the list of totem creatures. I have not seen nor held anything like it, an' that's a bit remarkable, to me at least.
    Acquired here in the Pacific Northwest perhaps as recently as the early '90s, but that's somewhat conjectural. It may be from somewhere north of me, on the B.C. or SW Alaskan coast...but I'm without basis for that assumption. I have looked with studied patience for a maker's mark, entirely without success.
    I'll be most grateful for all your comments, an' suggestions for further research. Thanks for lookin'!

    P1400760.jpeg P1400761.jpeg P1400762.jpeg P1400766.jpeg P1400767.jpeg P1400768.jpeg P1400769.jpeg P1400771.jpeg P1400772.jpeg P1400774.jpeg
    kyratango, KSW, judy and 11 others like this.
  2. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Beautiful. Very impressive,
    kyratango, KSW, judy and 4 others like this.
  3. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    yeah, it looks a superb intriguing piece, colour looks odd for ivory, but think thats just the lighting, that crack looks pretty legit for ivory

    it looks carved anyway, which is the most important factor
    kyratango, KSW, judy and 2 others like this.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Fossil material? Mammoth tusk? I've never seen anything really like it either. The closest thing I've had was a two-sided resin bead with an animal head on each side. (sold like lightning on a certain auction site)
    KSW, wlwhittier, johnnycb09 and 2 others like this.
  5. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Have you positively identified it as elephant ivory? May we see the bottom cross section?
    I don't believe NA carvers typically work with elephant ivory - more walrus tusk, bone or antler.
    kyratango, KSW, wlwhittier and 5 others like this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

  7. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Would like to see the underside.
    kyratango, KSW, wlwhittier and 4 others like this.
  8. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I'm not seeing schreger lines so it may not be ivory. I also don't see the speckles you usally see in bone. The faces just don't look Inuit or NA to me. Fantasy piece by a craft carver is what it looks like.
    smallaxe, KSW, wlwhittier and 5 others like this.
  9. stracci

    stracci Well-Known Member

    I'd say antler.
    Spirit animals, I think.
    A really nice piece @wlwhittier
    kyratango, KSW, wlwhittier and 6 others like this.
  10. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    A couple carved from antler for comparison:

    antler1.jpg antler2.jpg
  11. mmarco102

    mmarco102 Well-Known Member

    Just a FYI, Ivory? Traditionally elephant but not necessarily. Ivory comes from many resoures. Bone is different. However, base on post by @sabre123, this appear to be antler to me.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2024
    KSW, sabre123, wlwhittier and 2 others like this.
  12. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    The term has come to be applied to many materials, as mmarco notes, which makes it less useful for describing objects, and more important to be specific in any identification.
  13. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Y'all note that I only said ivory...an' that based as much on the crack as any other single thing. There's no 'cracked ice' to indicate marine mammal ivory...an' the ends are fully carved, so won't yield the schreger lines necessary for elephant source. I'll snap a few more pics, 'tho...the sun is out today an' they'll be taken in good natural light. I'm now leaning toward antler, after seeing Sabre's beautiful offerings!
    kyratango, mmarco102 and sabre123 like this.
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Schreger lines are found on cross sections, often the rounded carved parts. So if this is elephant or mammoth ivory there are plenty of parts where Schreger lines can be seen.

    Showing the ends will show us what the centre looks like, if there is dentine or pulp, for instance, or if it is antler. Or to rule out certain materials.
    kyratango, wlwhittier and stracci like this.
  15. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    With my meager skills an' equipment, this is as good as it gets. I've looked carefully, again...an' cannot find a hint that points to elephant ivory.
    The more I look the more I believe, as several of you have suggested; this is probably antler. Sure do wish it was signed, y'know?

    P1400775.jpeg P1400778.jpeg P1400777.jpeg P1400776.jpeg P1400781.jpeg P1400780.jpeg
    kyratango and mmarco102 like this.
  16. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Well, I can't see schreger lines (which doesn't mean they aren't there - often difficult to see in photos), but the concentric cracks on the bottom do look similar to elephant ivory. I can't see other indicators that would say antler, walrus or bone. The brown stripe up one side bothers me, though.
  17. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    It's also showing on almost the entire left side an' front of the owl, as well as the left side of the wolf's face.
    kyratango likes this.
  18. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I wonder if it is some sort of stone.
    aaroncab likes this.
  19. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    No, AJ...it is organic, an' that shows in myriad small details in the carving. I wish I could ID the material satisfactorily.
    kyratango likes this.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    if it's organic as you say, then it's antler as @sabre123 has shown............imo
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