Featured This weeks finds and some mysteries

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Dessert58, Mar 22, 2024.

  1. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    IMG_6080.jpeg IMG_6081.jpeg IMG_6082.jpeg IMG_6089.jpeg IMG_6088.jpeg IMG_6087.jpeg IMG_6083.jpeg IMG_6084.jpeg IMG_6090.jpeg IMG_6091.jpeg So, these are some of the things I found this week.
    -There is a tiny Saint Esprit pendant! it came from Spain and only cost 35€ including shipping.
    I was on the lookout for one of these for a small price forever, so I m happy with my find, although its tiny and modest :rolleyes:
    Can anyone help with the marks? i see the 'tete de sanglier' (France from 1838) and the lozenge has a letter 'M' as first letter inside.
    Thats as far as my wisdom goes.

    -The Camphor glass came from Italy, I bought it from someone who didn't know what it was.
    I didn't pay much for it.
    Its 14 carat gold and there is also a tiny diamond in the middle.
    Does anyone know the brand 'Caco'?

    -The ring is a big mystery to me. I bought it because it intrigued me. Didn't pay much, again.
    Middle 'stone' is glass and the surrounded stones are table cut garnets.

    -The white metal chain with the 1€ price tag was today's find! 750 white gold, made in Italy.
    No mystery there. Could be brand new but I can't complain for that price :D

    -The heron pendant is also a mystery to me. Could be 'Wajang/wajong?':hilarious:
    could be turn of the century Art-Nouveau ish...I m not sure.
    It came from Belgium and again, cheap!
    Any info is appreciated!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
  2. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    IMG_6027.jpeg IMG_6026.jpeg IMG_6025.jpeg These are the best pictures of the Saint Esprit's marks I could take
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    That is so sweet.:happy:
    Unfortunately there is not enough information on French maker's marks. It is bound to be a Normandy maker, but you already knew that.;)
    Around that period, could even be a little older.:)
    Why Wajang?:confused:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    KSW and kyratango like this.
  4. stracci

    stracci Well-Known Member

    Ooh! The camphor glass!!! All nice finds!
    KSW, kyratango and Dessert58 like this.
  5. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    AJ thanks for the comments.
    the heron had a bit of an Indonesian feel to me. The carving didn't struck me as European. Thats why I thought maybe Wajang.

    I think the ring could be Afgan Tribal maybe?
    Happy with my finds!

    Not every week is a good week for jewelry! Sometimes I find nothing, or just 'brol': crap
    KSW, kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  6. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    Stracci, I know, right! We don't often find these here in Europe
    KSW and stracci like this.
  7. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Wajang/Wayang is a puppet theatre.;)

    Carvings like this one could have been made in East Asia, but they could also be European Orientalism, based on Japanese art.
    Garnets are not a typical Afghan stone, and the style doesn't strike me as Afghan either.
    I think it is one of those generic ethnic styles which can be found in parts of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. The use of garnets makes me think European ethnic.
    KSW, stracci and Dessert58 like this.
  8. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    AJ yes, those intrinsically carved puppets that work with shadow and light
    They are beautiful.
    My heron reminded me of those.

    I was joking about wajong.
    For our friends from other countries:
    Wajong is something different and typical for the the Netherlands I presume.
    I think we call it 'dop' or 'leefgeld' or benefits/wellfare.

    I was secretly hoping the ring could be older than dirt when I bought it.
    Ah well, can't win them all.
    Maybe I can find me a medieval treasure next week :hilarious:
    KSW, kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, that is Wayang Kulit. Kulit means skin, the Wayang Kulit puppets are carved from buffalo rawhide.
    Wajong is disability benefit for people who were chronically ill/handicapped before they reached adulthood. It is different from welfare for non-disabled people, which is called Bijstand.
    It has age, but it isn't older than dirt. You can tell from the construction that it is post-1800. I think it is post-1900, but have no proof.
    KSW, kyratango and Dessert58 like this.
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    You never know.:happy:
    KSW, kyratango and Dessert58 like this.
  11. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    All I know is camphor glass..:hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry::hungry: The heron looks like tortoise shell from here. When I find it, it's generally from the Dominican Republic or elsewhere in the Caribbean.
  12. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    Evelyb, thank you!
    Yes, its one of my favorites too!
    It had been for sale online for 3 months when I bought it.
    It was listed as 14 carat gold and moonstone.
    Which would also have been sweet :smuggrin:

    I payed gold price for the chain alone for it, shipment from Venice included :cat:
    KSW and kyratango like this.
  13. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Interesting to see a piece come from Venice. Most of the camphor pieces I see were made in USA. The design traveled though.
    KSW and Dessert58 like this.
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I was wondering, since camphor glass was made as an affordable alternative to rock crystal, and your pendant is 14k gold with a wee diamond, if the glass is actually rock crystal?
    Camphor glass was also set in 14k gold sometimes, but there is a small chance.
    Cartier and the other big Paris names made these with rock crystal. Not saying yours is Cartier, it would have been marked as such, but could it be a more 'fancy' pendant? Did you check?

    Either way it is a stunner of course, and a real bargain.:happy:
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    KSW, bercrystal and stracci like this.
  15. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    Omg AJ, you made me test it, and indeed, its harder than glass, so Crystal it is!
    I would never have thought about that... thanks for the tip!
    Another treasure arrived today... I m almost too shy to show it here...starts to feel like bragging :sorry:
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    KSW and Any Jewelry like this.
  16. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    IMG_6166.jpeg IMG_6165.jpeg IMG_6167.jpeg IMG_6162.jpeg IMG_6163.jpeg Ah well...I m just enthousiastic. Here it comes:
    Silver and (I think) lapis lazuli edwardian lavaliere pendant. The box might maybe be even original to it and came as a surprise to me! :wideyed:
    I really cant make out any of these marks...again
    (And yet another lavaliere might be on its way to me as we speak...:wacky:) bought them all for cheap as chips (less than 35€ shipping included)
    These young clueless people keep throwing away their heirlooms to my face! :hilarious:
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2024
    KSW, komokwa, evelyb30 and 1 other person like this.
  17. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Graag gedaan!:happy::kiss:
    You can also check it for irisation, if you move it about in the right light. Not all rock crystal has it, and it also depends on the way it is cut if you can see it, but it is nice if it shows.
    KSW and Dessert58 like this.
  18. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yay!!! Another beauty!:happy:
    There is probably more detail when you clean the marks.
    And you have your butterfly net at the ready to catch them.:joyful:
    KSW and Dessert58 like this.
  19. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    The lavaliere might be lapis and sodalite together.
    KSW and Dessert58 like this.
  20. Dessert58

    Dessert58 Well-Known Member

    AJ oh wow, never heard of that irisation in rock crystal before...i will have to wait a season or two till ever the Sun decides to shine again now :rolleyes:

    evelyb: right! i was already wondering about the difference in appearance between the drop and the 'body'. Thanks for the input!
    KSW and Any Jewelry like this.
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