Featured Found info on my little tea bowl...Wedgwood

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by Bev aka thelmasstuff, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    I had asked about this tea bowl a long while ago. It's 2" high and 3" diameter. I recently joined a British Pottery and Porcelain group. Someone said the pattern is called "Tea Party" and it's "bat-printed". When I did a search, there was one for sale on a high-end site for $292. Considering I found it for free at our local gift house at the transfer station, I'm rather shocked. They said it's 18th century because the clothing on later versions was different and it's attributed to Wedgwood. I need to spend more time at the transfer station. 432441331_10227840094726051_9209456427451014182_n.jpg 430737940_10227840094166037_5881806211670963537_n.jpg
  2. stracci

    stracci Well-Known Member

  3. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

  4. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I knew if it, it’s absolutely fascinating.

    Nice wee cup.
  5. Lark

    Lark Well-Known Member

    Thank yu stracci for that info. I think I have had a few pieces but sold them with out knowing that.
    johnnycb09, Bronwen and stracci like this.
  6. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

  7. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Love that bat-printing is a type of transfer printing & you found your bowl at the transfer station. Now, someone explain to me what a transfer station is?
    johnnycb09 likes this.
  8. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    It used to be the dump, but now our trash is "transferred" on a train to a power plant that burns it to make electricity :)
  9. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I had never heard of 'bat printing'! Always learning on here. Great going Bev !
    Bronwen likes this.
  10. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I'd never heard of it either. Our dump has a take it/leave it area, and one just north of here even advertises theirs. Apparently they clean out the goods left there regularly, so people are encouraged to go hunting.
    Bronwen likes this.
  11. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Wish our Dump did.
    Bronwen likes this.
  12. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Used to be 'the dump' but now they have tractor trailer bodies and it's separated and goes off to recycling. Garbage is sent to a place called SEMASS where it's burned and the energy sent to the grid
    Bronwen likes this.
  13. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to picture what the sorting process would be like.
  14. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Our Transfer Station (one town up from Bev) has areas for recycling (paper, plastic, newspaper, cardboard, some metals), metals that are not recyclable, lightbulbs, TVs and computer monitors, ACs, furniture, mattresses and construction debris plus organic items like leaves and horse manure. All other items, AKA trash, go to the power plant.

    We all put each item in the correct place, they do not have to sort.

    There are a few people who use garbage pick up, mostly seasonable people and renters, they have separate bins for trash and recyclables. I don't know where the garbage companies take the recyclables but it could be another town that has sorting.
    Bakersgma and Bronwen like this.
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