Featured Saint ....? Origin? Age?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Marote, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    The text on the bottom says it's supposed to be Christ, but I think that's incorrrect.
    First I thought this was St. Andrew, as I had seen other St.A figurines with a similar pose. But he seems to be standing on a book. And that's something I've seen in images of St. Peter.
    The rest of the text didn't help me much either. What's written there? It looks like Dental/Deutal and something with a C before 1750
    IMG_2017.JPG IMG_4835.JPG IMG_2025.JPG IMG_2023.JPG IMG_4831.JPG IMG_4832.JPG

    Attached Files:

  2. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Possible it says Christmas...?

    Honestly, this is one of those handwritings the writer probably could barely decipher. :bored:
    Bronwen and ulilwitch like this.
  3. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's anno 1750/Christus, instead of Anno Domini? Numbers below look like a price.

    My first, vague, thought is one of the evangelists.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2024
  4. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    I don't think they had books back in those days, scrolls only. I would say his foot is upon paving stones, not books.
    Houseful and Bronwen like this.
  5. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    'Figure of a saint' may be as close as you get, though if it was part of a Christmas creche, it might even be a shepherd. I am not seeing books either.
    Bronwen likes this.
  6. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Or steps. The Virgin Mary didn't dress like a Renaissance lady and yet...
    Any Jewelry and LauraGarnet02 like this.
  7. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    The pics are kind of small and blurry, but if that is all hand carved it's very nicely done.
    Bronwen likes this.
  8. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Evangelists are traditionally depicted as barefoot, as I believe our friend here is.
  9. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    This is true.
    Bronwen likes this.
  10. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

  11. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Only the third of these looks like John the Baptist as I'm used to seeing him, although the second is suitably scrawny & ragged. The robes on the first look feminine to me; much too lavish & covered up (sleeves!) for John the Baptist. The last does not look feminine, but also looks too well off for a voice crying in the wilderness. He's also shod.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  12. Finnclouds

    Finnclouds Well-Known Member

    My German is rusty but I suspect it might say um 1750 Christus in German, which means (made) about 1750, Christ. The price might be e.g. German marks before euro.

    Can’t decipher the first word but the first letter could possibly be a P.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  13. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It says "Deutsch um 1750 Christus", which means "German about 1750 Christ".

    (I can't comment on any dental work.:bag:)
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    LauraGarnet02, Finnclouds and mirana like this.
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I can't see the book either. But the position of his arms and hands suggests he was holding a cross, which is how both Peter and Andrew can be depicted.
    Both were crucified, and both requested the cross to be different from Jesus' cross, out of respect. Peter was crucified upside down.:inpain:

    In depictions Andrew would hold the St Andrew Cross, like this: X, Peter would hold an upside down cross, usually with one arm holding the long end of the cross closer to his body.
    Looking again at the arms, I think he is holding a St Andrew Cross, albeit in a rather dramatic Baroque way. So my vote goes to St Andrew.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    LauraGarnet02, Finnclouds and mirana like this.
  15. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Could have been something like this:

    LauraGarnet02 likes this.
  16. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    I can't be to harsh on the writer's writing skills, as sometimes mine have the same quality ... :shame:

    Not all carvers seem to know this

    Aber natürlich!!! :facepalm:
    mirana and Any Jewelry like this.
  17. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

    Is the Germany + 1750 description accurate?
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  18. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Mine are worse.:smug::joyful:
    Der Groschen ist gefallen!:playful:
    In my humble opinion it is.
    Finnclouds, mirana and Marote like this.
  19. Marote

    Marote Well-Known Member

  20. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Hahaaaa my husband has the worst ever and I made that comment because many times I've asked him to interpret his own writing and he is as confused as me. He's not even a doctor! :cyclops:
    LauraGarnet02, Any Jewelry and Marote like this.
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