Featured Help with two necklaces, is the pink beaded flapper? what age are they?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Elen Beattie, Dec 8, 2023.

  1. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Hello all, happy Friday! Hoping you can help with the age of two necklaces. The first gold coloured one (likely gold filled or brass-17"L) is from an auction- described as 1940s. The second pink one is glass seed beads with larger clear crystal beads. The pink is rather fragile (54"L), one tassel fell apart after I took the photos but with a crude repair it is fixed for now. I thought the gold one looked a little older than the 40s, the pink possibly flapper-but maybe a 1970s revival? Any and all input appreciated! Thank you :)

    403916709_354263297254039_8327501475289762602_n.jpg 404286832_3048336505299641_3167572991210085022_n.jpg 404594016_1451843458697362_7757128365403072184_n.jpg 404208558_814621064007917_3759810396809099874_n.jpg 404164885_1017298539341947_3606973698768990858_n.jpg 404003183_741414361181927_430565896717445415_n.jpg 404118886_735721971333322_7362321300990552541_n.jpg
    Figtree3, IvaPan, KSW and 7 others like this.
  2. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    Wait for others but the first one looks to me like Toledo ware, faux Damascene.
    IvaPan, KSW, cxgirl and 7 others like this.
  3. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    The pink one looks to me like a genuine period sautoir.
    IvaPan, KSW, cxgirl and 4 others like this.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Sautoir for sure. It may well be that old, but the style came around a few times. A bead expert might sort it out.
  5. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Older Toledo ware, might even be pre war.
    IvaPan, KSW, cxgirl and 3 others like this.
  6. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    Flapper lariat necklace!
    IvaPan, KSW, cxgirl and 4 others like this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Would you be kind enough to tell us why your think the Toledoware necklace is older? I ask because... to my eye, it looks 1960s.

    IvaPan, KSW, kyratango and 2 others like this.
  8. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Hi there! I've had a few late Victorian, early Edwardian brass/rolled gold necklaces that have felt similar to this so I thought perhaps this one was a bit older than the 40s at least. Could be totally wrong of course and why I shared in the hopes that those more knowledgeable could help :)
    IvaPan, kyratango, cxgirl and 2 others like this.
  9. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! The pink sautoir/lariat was in a junk jewelry lot so I'm pleased with that find :)
    IvaPan, kyratango, cxgirl and 3 others like this.
  10. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    Agreed on the Toledo ware. I see what you saw on a slight resemblance to a book chain, but it's the painted white bit that gives it away as later.

    Another vote for the sautoir being original.
    IvaPan, kyratango, cxgirl and 2 others like this.
  11. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    "Painted white." Helpful and I will remember.

    kyratango and Elen Beattie like this.
  12. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Isn't that silvertone, to imitate the real silver used on Toledo damascene?
    IvaPan and mirana like this.
  13. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    The sort of book chain style, short length, the weight of the brass, the colour of it - it’s much less bright than sixties pieces, even those with wear. The decoration isn’t as touristique as later ones, too. The sixties and even fifties pieces I have are much more florid if that makes sense. They’re also more precise, I’d think more mechanical processes used in the stamping.

    As aj says, the white enamelling is wannabe silver.

    The clasp too looks a bit earlier.
    Figtree3, IvaPan, Houseful and 3 others like this.
  14. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    You're right about the finish. Given it's delicacy, length and the white paint, it could be 1950s. I'd be doubtful it was older than that. Spain's "pre war" period ended in 1936 with the start of their civil war.

  15. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Yes it is actually a silver colour, not white- just checked with a loupe!
    IvaPan, Any Jewelry and mirana like this.
  16. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    The pink one, are the beads pink or clear with pink stringing?
    IvaPan likes this.
  17. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    They look to be clear with pink cores.
    IvaPan and Elen Beattie like this.
  18. Elen Beattie

    Elen Beattie Well-Known Member

    Yes, as @evelyb30 says clear with pink glass core! The string isn't pink.
    IvaPan likes this.
  19. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    I have a brooch where the paint is white so I assumed. I guess they come in multitude. But my point being, it is a paint instead of enamel or metal.
    IvaPan, Any Jewelry and Debora like this.
  20. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    I think you can still buy those then. I seem to remember seeing clear beads with a pink core very like this when I was looking for something else . Not that that proves or disproves age as some have been recreated for donkeys years!
    IvaPan, Any Jewelry and Elen Beattie like this.
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