More hidden messages from leonardo da vinci ?

Discussion in 'Art' started by SUPERJUNK1970, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    While doing research on a piece of art that might be a study for a davinci unfinshed painting. I remember the controversy on the last super..
    On a leonardo da vinci painting titled " the adoration of the magi " I noticed what appeared to be the left side of the last SUPER but the apostles are all woman, and the figure representing mary magdelene is pregnant.
    There always been questions whether the apostles were married. Is he answering this question? The woman seem to be attacking one lady in center
    In same way judas appears in last SUPER. Did the apostles wife's kill judas wife? 20230723_004411.jpg the-adoration-of-the-magi~5.jpg
    moreotherstuff likes this.
  2. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    It's supper, not super. I would love to see your pictures but they are way too small to see any detail.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  4. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    @SUPERJUNK1970 , could you show us what you mean please?
    In Leonardo's Last Supper Judas is depicted holding a bag with the 30 pieces of silver he was paid for the betrayal of Jesus. Is that what you mean? Is there a woman holding a similar bag?

    No one is stabbed in Leonardo's Last Supper btw, nor in any other traditional painting of the Last Supper.
  5. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    As far as I know Judas wasn't married. (Jesus definitely wasn't, Hollywood movies and fictional books aside.) The only one who I know was married was Peter, and he was a widower.
  6. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

  7. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I don't think they are attacking. There are horsemen off to the left, so maybe warning? or protecting? I don't understand the depiction, but the Madonna and Child are certainly an island of tranquility in a sea of turbulence.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I guess it's possible to see what u want to see.....

    I see a bunch of folks crowded into a Dr's waiting room..........:confused::playful::playful:
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Thanks. So the women with one lady stabbing the other, are actually mostly or all men.
    The man who is 'stabbing' someone to the right of him, is actually looking away from that person, so he can't be stabbing him.
    komokwa likes this.
  10. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    In the last SUPER, the left side has 6 disciples. In the picture above there are 6 women.
    In the last SUPER Judas is holding a knife.
    In the picture ABOVE ONE of the women is holding a knife pointed toward the woman being attacked.
    Its curious how the six figures in both pictures are arranged in same pose like if they were both at a table.
    The figure depicting marie magdalene in the last SUPER is according to controversial theory THE wife of christ and mother of his children.
    In the picture above in the same place , they show a pregnant woman.
    I just don't think it's a coincidence
    And also why would leonardo put them in this painting. Fir what reason?
  11. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    There is no LAST SUPER, but there is a LAST SUPPER. :rolleyes:
    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  12. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

  13. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    What is the source of your images?

    The person on the right is holding a stick or baton of some sort. I don't know what it is but I don't see it as a knife. I believe the person to the left has their hand on the shoulder of the person looking at them and what you are seeing as a knife, I am seeing as part of the man's costume - maybe the edge of a robe.

    Leonardo_da_Vinci Adorazione_dei_Magi_.jpg
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023
    Any Jewelry and komokwa like this.
  14. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    Judas is holding a purse in his right hand signifying the bag of silver coins he received for identifying Jesus. His right arm has also knocked over and spilled the salt, a bad omen. With his left hand he is reaching for the same plate/food as Jesus. It is Peter who is looking rather angry and holding a knife... foreshadowing his violent reaction in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus is arrested. Peter is leaning toward and touching the shoulder of John, the youngest disciple, who does look rather feminine.


    As for knives in da Vinci's Adoration of the Magi, I see none. The "knife" you indicate on the left appears to be a fold in the cloth of the wearer's tunic. The "knife" you indicate on the right appears to be the handle of something being used to stir a pot or cauldron.
    Before and after restoration:

    Screenshot (230).jpg
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023
    Any Jewelry, Bakersgma and komokwa like this.
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    talk about a conspiracy theory ....;)
    Any Jewelry, Bakersgma and bluumz like this.
  16. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    John is the youngest of the Disciples and Davinci drew him to look rather feminine, which can happen with teenaged boys. Since there was about 1500 years between the painting and the event, and we have actual zero knowledge of what anyone really looked like.... All I know is Jesus wasn't much to look at, and none of them were white guys.
    bluumz likes this.
  17. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    According to Wikipedia:
    "Leonardo reportedly used the likenesses of people in and around Milan as inspiration for the painting's figures."
    And the apostle John "appears feminine in line with Leonardo's characteristic fascination with blurring the lines between the sexes, a quality which is found in his other paintings".
    Any Jewelry and Bronwen like this.
  18. SUPERJUNK1970

    SUPERJUNK1970 Active Member

    Notice how in davinci painting judas is the one holding the knife and somehow the black guy is grabbing judas hand with knife. Its obvious the hand with knife is white and the hand restraining the hand with knife IS black. Última_Cena_-_Da_Vinci_5.jpg 20230413_012305.jpg Screenshot_20230820-021108_Gallery.jpg
  19. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    According to the usual race theories:wacky: everyone in the Middle East was and is white. They are West Asians, not Europeans, but they are white.

    In race theories, whites range from Iceland to India, and from Finland to Ethiopia. They are also found in Central Asia, and once lived even further into China.

    Of course the existence of race in humans is debatable. Contrary to races in dogs for instance, humans are all roughly alike.
  20. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    She hasn't chosen a different painting to make her point. It is just a clearer print. There is absolutely no difference in the number or positioning of the figures, or the things they are holding or not holding.
    Judas' right hand is holding the bag with silver and his left is reaching for Jesus' bread. Are you suggesting Judas has three hands, his third holding the knife Peter is holding?
    Am I right in thinking that, contrary to what I see, three people or hands are holding Peter's knife: Peter, Judas, and a black guy?:confused: And who is this black guy according to you?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2023
    bluumz likes this.
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