Etched Brass Plate and Cups - Origin?

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by sydschm, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. sydschm

    sydschm New Member

    Hello! I recently acquired this brass plate and two cups that seem to match. I am very interested in learning more about the origin of these items.

    The original owner of the items has passed away, so I cannot ask on where or when they were acquired.

    While browsing online, I found a few similar items labeled as Persian, Indian, and Egyptian.

    Has anyone seen items with a similar style of etchings or shape?

    Attached Files:

    Figtree3 likes this.
  2. sydschm

    sydschm New Member

    Here is another photo of the back of the plate.

    Attached Files:

  3. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

    Figtree3 and sydschm like this.
  4. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Repoussé ...rather than etched.
  5. the blacksmith

    the blacksmith Well-Known Member

    As aaroncab has stated, the design is done in repoussé, not etched. The metal is hammered from the inside, and then refined from the outside.
    I am inclined to think that these are probably North African, but better pictures might help a bit.
  6. sydschm

    sydschm New Member

    I took several photos but due to the 1MB upload limit, I am unable to upload them. I’m new to this forum and forums in general…does anyone have advice on how to upload photos without losing the quality?
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    credit @Aquitaine ,,,,,,

    You might want to copy and save this for reference for a helps when you're new!!!:rolleyes:

    For Future reference, when posting images:

    Each image MUST be UNDER 1 MB....
    There are instructions on site here on how to reduce the size of your image, if that is the are allowed up to 10 images per post!!! Here are some links to the instructions:

    Try emailing them to yourself as "medium" size, they should then be under 1 MB!

    If on the computer:

    If on an iPhone:

    And if on an Android phone:

    As an added note, when you have your photos LISTED, BUT BEFORE you hit POST, please click on the wording that says to "INSERT EVERY IMAGE AS FULL IMAGE" !! That way, we're not clicking on little thumbnails, but get to see all of the images full sized!! Thanks! Remember, it takes a bit for MOST new members to get the hang of it, but it's really quite simple once you get used to it!!!" If you still have questions, DON'T hesitate to ASK!!!!
  8. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Thanks Komo!:kiss:
    komokwa likes this.
  9. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    @sydschm, Are you using a cell phone or camera....and if cell phone what kind? I know the iPhone lets you select what size you want to send to your computer (or where ever!), and for the computer there are numerous photo editing apps (some free) for photo editing! Off the top of my head, at the moment, I'm forgetting just who to 'tag' for them!!!! of the other members will hopefully see this and pop in with some suggestions!! Wait, @moreotherstuff for one!
  10. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Not much help from me, I'm afraid. My editor is called Paint Shop Pro 7 and dates to 2000. I think it can be downloaded for free, but I don't know about a phone app. I believe older versions of Photoshop can also be downloaded free.

    I just looked, and there's a free Samsung photo editor available.

    Any photo editor you find is bound to include features you will most likely never use. It seems that, so far as posting photos here is concerned, what's mostly needed is the ability to resize. Many photos could also stand being cropped. Both those features are very elementary; I can't imagine an editor that would not include them.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
    Aquitaine and Bakersgma like this.
  11. sydschm

    sydschm New Member

    Yep—an iPhone. I attempted to resize several different ways. It looks like emailing it to myself gives me to option to reduce the size. I’ll try uploading a few pictures again to see if they’re any better quality. It’s tough to say what they look like on your end. They look clear and large on mine.
    Thank you for the input!!:happy:
    Figtree3 and Aquitaine like this.
  12. sydschm

    sydschm New Member

    Do these photos look any better?
    IMG_2363.jpeg IMG_2357.jpeg
    Figtree3, the blacksmith and aaroncab like this.
  13. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    yup !

    Next , try a solid color background ...for even extra clarity !:happy:

    the ruler is a nice touch , even better if you print the's more exact !;)
    sydschm, aaroncab and Aquitaine like this.
  14. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Actually if using a fairly new iPhone (mine's an iPhone 13) you can crop AND do some pretty decent editing right on it!!! And for me, I prefer to crop my images fairly close so I don't waste pixels on UNIMPORTANT background, when going for crisp, sharp with your brass cups.....they are nice and sharp!!! But PERSONALLY I'd have cropped the top and bottom closer.....but again, that's ME!!! You seem to be doing just fine overall!!!! And as @komokwa suggested, a plain background will help your image stand out better!!
    Figtree3, sydschm and the blacksmith like this.
  15. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

    This is a stretch of imagination. Searching the tray did not yield anything of interest. But, after looking at the images on the tray repeatedly and searching what I see, led me down a path to Iran. There's a story in ancient Persia that could relate. I'm a dreamer and may be completely off base.

    Ferdowsi's great 11th century epic poem, the Shahnameh, begins with the story of Keyumars. He was the first king to arise among humans, who at that time lived in mountain caves and wore the skins of leopards. Keyumars was also the first human to introduce royal practices and the preparation of food and was also the first practitioner of law and justice. He was so powerful that all humans, tame animals, and wild animals paid homage to him.

    from ...

    Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 8.55.01 PM.png

    It's a better dream than my drift towards middle Africa and the Leopard Men.

    This was interesting, right or wrong, I'm done. :cat:
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2023
  16. the blacksmith

    the blacksmith Well-Known Member

    I am inclined to agree with Roaring20s As to region. I do not think that they are vvery old, more likely, IMHO, fairly recent probably. On the view of the back you can see every chisel mark where the design has been refined from the front. It also has what is probably some kind of pitch, used to support the design when the pattern is worked from the front with chisels.
    Figtree3, Roaring20s and sydschm like this.
  17. sydschm

    sydschm New Member

    I’d have to agree—I was quite intrigued and thoroughly enjoyed reading what you discovered. Thank you for that! And the picture was a great addition to your research. :smuggrin:
    Figtree3 and Roaring20s like this.
  18. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Welcome to Antiquers, @sydschm -- Interesting question, and information from all who shared some.
    sydschm and Roaring20s like this.

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