Burmese wooden figure

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by henrycow, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. henrycow

    henrycow Active Member

    Hi could anyone give me any information on this figure please..

    Attached Files:

    johnnycb09 and judy like this.
  2. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    Did you do a Google image search ?Lots of examples of this figure. Most claim its early 20th century . The fact there are so many examples gives me pause. But it is lovely.
    henrycow and Any Jewelry like this.
  3. henrycow

    henrycow Active Member

  4. henrycow

    henrycow Active Member

    yes just wondering if it is genuine or a copy
  5. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    The same motif,pose,etc can be used for centuries.The earliest example of a praying monk from this culture could date back thousands of years-therefore this could be genuine & a copy,but not a forgery or counterfeit.
    Any Jewelry and henrycow like this.
  6. henrycow

    henrycow Active Member

    Any thoughts on the age?
  7. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    AJ's our resident expert on most things Eastern.You might try to locate a local expert for a hands on examination.Most big time museums may blow you off.Send pics to Sotheby's/Christies auction houses.
    henrycow likes this.
  8. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Henry, could you show us the base please?
  9. henrycow

    henrycow Active Member

    posted 2 images
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Looks antique to me.:)
    Figtree3 and johnnycb09 like this.
  11. henrycow

    henrycow Active Member

    I agree, thanks for your thoughts..
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  12. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Well put, bosko!
  13. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Y'know, bosko...I have considered that approach for a few of Leonard's finer pieces, but then I think about asking...from their point of view; every morning's email must be flooded with requests, an' pics, for evaluation of items...most of which are unworthy of their time & effort, let alone merit a response.
    Have you, or anyone you know, had success with such cold-approach to either of those two auction houses...or Bonham's? Based on your reply, I just may reconsider...
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  14. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Whit-I have had success with one piece at auction.I sent pics to Bonham's,Sotheby's & Christie's and they all responded in a week or two (Pronto!).They knew what it was & all wanted it.
    For inquiring minds-it was a 19th Western Desert Aborigine Parrying Shield (i posted a few images here a yr or so ago)-it went for 11K.
    But I've also sent them emails on a few other items & got a basic 'no thanks' form letter back.The kind of thing you'd get frm the New Yorker Magazine-'Here's a little cartoon/short story,etc'.....'Thanks so much & have a good life !'.
    I found the shield 8-10 yrs later sold at auction for 16K,it was a solid piece (esp for a peasant like me !)
    PS-I was trolling them for info before I knew abt this wonderful site-thankyou & thankyou all.
    Potteryplease likes this.
  15. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Thanks, bosko...I'm encouraged. There's a Bonham's in Seattle, I think...or was, at one time. I'll keep you posted...
  16. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Whit-That's awesome.I had to (palms sweating) mail our piece to NY.I'll keep the Seattle Bonham's in mind-it's only 3 1/2 hrs away.
    PS-If i'm not mistaken-don't some of the bigger auction houses list items under a 1K value now ?
    If so,might weed out some of the scammers on Ebay-not sure,because i think (?) the big 3 houses use Ebay sometimes too.
  17. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    I'm not aware of a 'floor' on acceptable items, but I suppose it makes good sense....nor about those 3 houses using eBay...

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