Help with antique casters

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by BrandiH, Jun 24, 2023.

  1. BrandiH

    BrandiH New Member

    I'm restoring a pair of dining chairs and need some help. I need to replace the casters, but I can't get a piece out. Instead of the type with the metal on the outside that you can pry off, this only has a piece of metal on the inside, with no way to grab it. Has anyone seen this, or have any ideas of how to get them out?
  2. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Take a close picture of the problem and post it on this forum.....I think I understand what your saying, and it would seem there should be some type of inverted sort of "Pliers"...... hard to describe.....others might find an image of what I'm trying to say.....and others will reply....keep checking back!!!!
    BTW, WELCOME to ANTIQUERS,@BrandiH !!! If you have trouble posting images, give a shout....we'll help with that too!!
    wlwhittier and sabre123 like this.
  3. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    Per Aqui's reply, you can see what expanding pliers look like on:

    You could also try and drill it out. Get a bit that's a little larger than the tube and start slowly. See if you can get it to bite and then pull up on the drill while keeping it turning. You may get the tube stuck on the bit.

    They sell 'easy out' bits too that bite into metal that you can try to loosen it up, but I'd look at free options first.
    Aquitaine likes this.
  4. BrandiH

    BrandiH New Member

    I keep trying, but it says the image is too large.
  5. BrandiH

    BrandiH New Member

    Ah, here we go!

    Attached Files:

  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    if it was screwed in , you may be able to screw it out...
    Aquitaine likes this.
  7. Brian Warshaw

    Brian Warshaw Well-Known Member

    If it is screwed [which I don't think it is], a pair of Stillson wrench on the static part will move it. Will probably move it if it is pushed in. Otherwise, as per @sabre123, and the outside bell will come off; then try back-and forth with some sort of pliers. Good luck
  8. silverbell

    silverbell Well-Known Member

    There are times when my lack of expertise annoys the heck out of me!
    I neither understand the question, nor, Eegad!, the answers! Hope Brandi is better informed.
    Houseful likes this.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    These are almost impossible to get out without damaging the wood. Any chance in finding casters that will utilize these as-is?
  10. BrandiH

    BrandiH New Member

    Well, if anyone has an idea of where to get four matching casters with 1/4" wide and 2 1/2" long stems, then yes, I could use what's there. Everything I've found it too wide.
  11. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    From that image, it does look (to me!) like it's screwed in....what say you both, @sabre123 and @verybrad ??

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  12. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Don't think it is screwed in. Looks like a pin there to expand the sleeve once inserted. Problem with these is that get get rusted in and almost impossible to remove.
    sabre123 and Aquitaine like this.
  13. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    I have never seen this type, but I don't think it's screwed in.

    It looks like it's been varnished over, and you may want to break that seal with an X-Acto knife or something before trying to do any removal procedure. Also, you can try to heat it up with a hair dryer before your attempts.
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