Featured NWC bookends

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Potteryplease, May 5, 2023.

  1. Potteryplease

    Potteryplease Well-Known Member

    I found these in a second hand shop and was impressed that they're in good shape.

    Cedar wood, thickish copper plate bottom, brass screws. 6" tall, 4" wide

    I like them better as a pair of stand-alone carvings.

    Do these look authentically First Nations? Any guess as to age? I can't decide what animal they are...?

    I'm looking at you, @komokwa (again)!

    IMG_6385.jpeg IMG_6386.jpeg IMG_6387.jpeg IMG_6388.jpeg
  2. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    At first glance they look pretty good, but then I note many of the forms aren't really correct - the pupils of the eyes, "v-shaped" lines near nose - ears, those ought to be actual U-forms if native work. And not signed apparently? Photo of back might help, but I'd say no earlier than 2000 as a guess. And odd that the animal is ambiguous; if bear or wolf one might expect some teeth.
    But cedar, and the use of copper, those are good things. I'm leaning slightly toward native, but not strongly. Be interested to see what komokwa thinks.
    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Northwest Coast style is the best one can hope for here .

    I concur with @all_fakes perspective , only to add that Bears don't always have teeth , the designs in the shoulders and hips ...are nothing but green blotches ...which bothers me..... and I find the eyes to be the best part of the carving..:eek:

    It's all hand made with a single straight blade..... something the Williams family is know for..... & the wood is proper.

    No siggy is an issue for a recent carving , even a swiftly made tourist item....

    They are certainly cute......and I guess I'm inclined to think native made , not really seeing any off shore red flags......but the painted designs are far from good.

    The idea of copper footed bookends is actually interesting......so a young Salish carver banging out souvenirs is not out of the realm of possibility..
  4. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    It's probably nothing but could this be a signature?

    Potteryplease and pearlsnblume like this.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I'm not seeing what you're seeing...?
  6. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I don't have a good editing program so this is just general and but something like might have been written with something pointy?

    Potteryplease likes this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    traditionally, that's not the way they sign things......:oops:
    Potteryplease likes this.
  8. Potteryplease

    Potteryplease Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your attention everyone!

    There's no signature that I see and I've looked pretty closely...

    Here's a few more pix, including the back, just for clarification:

    IMG_6401.jpeg IMG_6403.jpeg IMG_6402.jpeg
    Any Jewelry and lovewrens like this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Hey Pal....the more you make me look the more I'm going to wonder if someone other than Native....got hold of some cedar wood !!!
  10. Potteryplease

    Potteryplease Well-Known Member

    It's certainly a possibility!

    At first look for me, in the store, I thought these look pretty legit. But at home, I started to wonder-- what animal, exactly, is it... the painted-only and not carved parts... yeah. It's possible!

    Your input's always valued.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  11. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    stubby ears
    flat nose
    big paws with large claws

    one day I'll explain how in NWC design...the artist need not show every element of a creature.....for it to be, what he / she , intends it to be..


    not all bears show their teeth..
  12. Codex

    Codex New Member

    Hi, I'm sorry to reply to this over a year later, but I'm trying to find out more on the backstory of these Marion Bronze bookends you posted here. I recently inherited some from my grandfather. I know they're Haida in design, and I know Marion Bronze, but is this a case of completely ripping off indigenous art? You seem to be the most knowledgeable on these and I know I saw some soapstone versions from Thorn (which is also copying Native art). Thank you for your time.
    – Codex
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  13. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Well.... we're a community here...so others can join in at will..... bt thanks for the kind words !

    Seeing as how these are said to be circa 1960 , and back then there was little hew & cry over ripping off the 1st Nations , I'm content that the design is solid and may have had a native hand in the process.
    If not..... it was a time where NWC Indian art was reaching for past glory and a new audience , among Native & non Natives alike !! , and several prominent non native artists were leading the way , along with the likes of Bill Reid , and other 1st Nations artists.
    A well trained artist .... could have copied that pole design.....and tweaked it just a little.

    So yes...it's a co-opting of 1st Nations Art & Culture......... but in 1960...maybe it helped to showcase a people that were in decline ... but on the rise !!

    In my humble opinion....;):happy::happy:,:bear::bear::bear:
    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  14. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    and just when it looks like I might know stuff.... there's this.....
    unsure if they are the same age......... but????/


    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  15. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    but with Poteries shiny copper bases...??.... they could be the newer copies..
    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  16. Codex

    Codex New Member

    Thank you for such a thorough and considerate response. Much much appreciated!
    Any Jewelry and komokwa like this.
  17. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    It's kinda what we do here.......& you had me all buttered up to begin with !!!!

    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  18. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Or well polished. The screws look more recent. But on the other hand, screws can be replaced.
    Potteryplease and komokwa like this.
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    they are also missing tails..
    Potteryplease and Any Jewelry like this.
  20. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, they are.
    Potteryplease likes this.
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