Featured What kind of diamond bracelet is this?

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by MTswirls, Aug 23, 2019.

  1. MTswirls

    MTswirls Well-Known Member

  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Gorgeous bracelet, MT. Looks Art Deco inspired. Some questions though.
    Did you have the diamonds and the metal tested?
    And are there any marks anywhere?
    Could we see a pic of the clasp?
  3. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    Ah, black jewelry.

    I suspect Whitby Jet. Which is pretty funny because I still have trouble seeing this one as Whitby Jet.

    Also, could be glass.

    What's it seem like when you tap it on your teeth? As compared to when you tap a known plastic on your teeth?
  4. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Looks like Belle Etoile, but they are clearly marked. Do not discount plastic and diamonds - I just listed (for a client) a full on diamond and rubber bracelet. Twern't cheap either..........................
  5. MTswirls

    MTswirls Well-Known Member

    I have tested the diamonds with a tool I have at home. I have not tested the metal, but I'm going to do that soon. The clasp is poorly stamped. It says ITALY and something else I cannot make out what so ever. It may just seem like a bad quality picture of the stamp, but it's really no easier to see in person.
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  6. MTswirls

    MTswirls Well-Known Member

    I have never thought of the teeth method, but it worked like charm. They totally felt like glass despite looking like plastic to me. This bracelet appears to have a lot more shine to it than the piece you referenced. However, along the insides of the cutouts there is no shine because it has a different matte finish. Maybe the other piece doesn't look like Whitby Jet because it wasnt given a shine coat.
    kyratango likes this.
  7. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    well. now.

    I would not have put those two things together.
    kyratango and MTswirls like this.
  8. MTswirls

    MTswirls Well-Known Member

    Considering that it's stamped Italy do you think it's more likely that this bracelet is made of glass? I wish there was an easy way to tell them apart, but it looks like it could be either one!
    Christmasjoy and Any Jewelry like this.
  9. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    If you have a light colored unglazed tile lying around (like the back of a bathroom/kitchen tile), you can lightly draw one of the black links across the tile.

    If it leaves a brown or black streak, strong indicator for Whitby Jet. If it leaves no mark, strong indicator for glass (and definitely not Whitby Jet).

    If you don't have a tile lying around and you're in the US, any home improvement store will have one for a buck or two.
    MTswirls likes this.
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Please, please, please don't rub those links on an unglazed tile!:nailbiting:
    This is not antique, not English made, and not jet, so there is no need to test for Whitby jet. I would strongly advise against it.

    If the tapping test sounded like glass, glass is the most likely suspect. Please don't do anything that could cause a rough edge. Leave it as it is.
    It is a gorgeous Italian made bracelet. My guess Post-Modern, which is why it has a slight Art Deco-ish look.

    Antique Whitby jet links, like on the one Jivvy posted, have slightly rounded edges to prevent chipping when metal links rub against them. The sheen of Whitby jet is different.
    Whitby is a town on the English east coast, in Yorkshire. It is not in Italy. The only time you test for Whitby jet is when it looks like an English made piece of Whitby jewellery. This doesn't.

    I am now going to lie in a darkened room.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2019
    MTswirls, terry5732, judy and 3 others like this.
  11. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    So sorry to give you the vapors, my dear. :p

    I don't, even a little, believe glass would be harmed by the unglazed tile test, but caution with jewelry is not a bad thing.

    Unless you meant don't grind jewelry into unglazed tile. That's always a bad plan.

    I have broken stuff before. :joyful:
    MTswirls and Any Jewelry like this.
  12. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I have recovered. A little.:hungover::hilarious:
    MTswirls, komokwa and Jivvy like this.
  13. MTswirls

    MTswirls Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, I'll keep this bracelet away from any ceramics. Thanks for the info!
    Any Jewelry likes this.
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