Featured Antique Miniature Mahjong Set. Ca. 1900.

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Shangas, Feb 28, 2023.

  1. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    This is a bit of a repost, but I couldn't resist it.

    Exactly 4 years ago to the day, I uploaded this to the forum. I decided to upload it again to commemorate the fact that I FINALLY found some friends who I can actually play mahjong with!!

    mahjong01.jpg mahjong02.jpg mahjong03.jpg mahjong04.jpg mahjong06.jpg mahjong07.jpg mahjong08.jpg mahjong09.jpg

    This set is from the turn of the last century, and is manufactured in the traditional manner that all sets from this era were.

    The tiles have bone surfaces, and bamboo bases. The metalwork is brass, and the case is Indian rosewood (!!)...thanks to my two friends who confirmed this for me.


    Here, you can see the set "in-play", as it were.

    Last week, I was getting together with a whole bunch of friends at a cultural event at a local community hall, and some of them asked me to bring my set along, because they wanted to play. The photo there is from one of our games.

    I showed up, set it up on the table, and we started playing. Others were walking past, and without exception, people were stopping and STARING.

    Not because they'd never seen a game of mahjong before, but because they couldn't believe what we were playing mahjong WITH! The looks on their faces were hilarious.

    "What are you doing!?"
    "Playing mahjong. Want to join?"
    "WHAT IS THAT??"
    "Mahjong set!"
    "It's so SMALL!!"
    "It's travel-size, for our convenience!"
    "It's half the size of a normal one!"
    "Yes, yes it is. It's an antique. Handmade. Cute, huh?"
    "Oh my God...that is adorable! I've never seen an antique one before..."

    All the reactions we had were along that vein. I think they were genuinely stunned that...1., we dared to play with such an old set (hey, why not??), and 2., that it was so small!

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that this set is something special, and it's become one of my really prized possessions. Search as I will, I've never seen another one like it. Not of this age, not of this size, not of this condition, construction, layout, or even price-range! The price I paid for this, compared with what bigger, less-complete, less-intact sets of the same era, are asking - is peanuts by comparison...

    My father asked me yesterday what I would sell it for, and I nearly fainted! I'd never be able to replace this, so I'm never going to sell it!

    For anyone who's interested, the case measures just 5.50 x 5.25 x 9.00 inches.
  2. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    So jealous that you found others to play with. I've always wanted to learn to play but the few times I've brought it up in company, I'm met with blank uninterested stares.
  3. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    You need to find the right groups of people in which to bring it up.

    I went to a meeting of the local Peranakan Chinese society that we have here in my city (yes, amazingly there's enough of us to actually make a society like this worthwhile!), and after lunch, one of my friends invited me to his house nearby for afternoon tea.

    I agreed, and went along with him and another friend. While we were having tea, during conversation, it transpired that none of them had ever played mahjong...and I was the only one who ever had. They were very eager to learn, but didn't know anyone who could teach them, and they didn't have a set.

    I said: "I've got a really old set at home. We're having another society meeting next week, I could bring it along and one of the older members could teach us!"

    "Woah...okay, let's do it! Someone there is BOUND to know how to play!"

    I mentioned the idea to a couple of other people, and it caught traction. By the time next week rolled around, we had about half a dozen extra people wanting to learn, or willing to teach - and we ended up playing for the better part of three hours, all using my little set! Its probably the first time it's seen action in half a century!
  4. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    That is super. I have one friend who plays the game, but I never learned how.
    She lives far away from me, but plays about 1 time a week.
    johnnycb09, Bronwen and Shangas like this.
  5. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    WHAT a WONDERFUL experience, @Shangas!!! And I for one, am glad you re-posted and I never saw your original post, OR don't recall it!!! SUPER NEAT!:singing::singing: PLUS an absolutely GORGEOUS little set to treasure! KUDOS to you:happy::happy:
  6. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    Yes that seems to be a common theme. People WANT to learn or play, but they have nobody to play WITH. That's the problem that I and my two friends had. But now that we meet fairly regularly, we can play.

    In fact, we're meeting this weekend (Friday afternoon) and I agreed to bring my set along so we can have a few games.

    It is absolutely a treasure! The sets I've seen for sale online have ASTRONOMICAL prices attached to them. When I think of what I paid for this, four years ago, it sounds illegal, by comparison! Especially when you consider that the antique sets I've seen for sale, all come with faults of some kind.

    I don't think I've ever seen an antique set under $1,000, which wasn't cracked, chipped, splitting apart, missing pieces, or else, so delicate that you wouldn't dare to BREATHE on it, let alone PLAY with it...and if I'm spending SEVERAL. HUNDREDS. of dollars on an antique mahjong set, I damn well should be able to play with it as much as I want!

    I REALLY lucked out in finding this one.
  7. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    Nice set! I purchased a wealthy estates mahjong collection at an on location auction. Very old family, very wealthy. They acquired a handful of sets in the times they were made and used them hard it looked like. I think I had 4-5 sets and a bunch of tile holders/racks. Most were a little beat up and incomplete. Luckily the best condition set happened to have tiles made of the stuff that was a step up from bone in price. I didn’t know too much about the value of them when I bought them. I just knew I got a good price. I was surprised when the fancy one shot past 1k when I sold it. I have one beat up bone set left. I’d love to learn to play someday. Must be a good time judging by how many people around the world used to play it. That’s neat that you found folks to play with.
    Aquitaine and pearlsnblume like this.
  8. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    Like I said - finding playable antique sets in good condition, is damn near impossible. And the ones which are possible, ask for at least $1,000 to enjoy that possibility.

    The modern plastic sets are dirt-cheap. $50 or less secondhand. Antique sets in bone or ivory, cost a bloody fortune. I count my lucky stars, to own the one that I do, now...

    @J Dagger, do you have photos of your set?
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