Hey everyone, I haven’t really been searching much during my business trip, but I decided to hop out to a few stores the other day to give it a shot. The area I’m in doesn’t look promising, but look what showed up in a bin of flatware! Considering I’m in the middle of nowhere I’m pretty happy with the find, I was happy to hand over 11 cents.
Looking at the lines, they probably though it was stainless. Issued in 1950 and not discontinued until 1996.
I think that could be literally, that lone fork was probably stainless steel before he got it in his hands, but that Nate touch.....
Hi, Reminded me of what happened years ago. I stopped in a "Junk store" the woman had four bins one for sterling, one for plated and one for stainless and a small of old junk flatware. I was looking at the junk bin and found 15 pieces of old coin silver for 10 cents a piece. Since it was not marked as far as she was concerned it was junk. I turned the 1.50 into 60 dollars with in a week. I still find occasionally coin silver in the plated bins. greg
I keep my eyes peeled too. Got bags of "silverplate" at a rummage sale years ago that had a nice assortment of Latvian silver in them along with the junk. Donated the junk, sold the wiggle engraved flatware. Gotta love coin silver!
So I went back to that store yesterday to see if the siblings would show up, and unfortunately no luck so I'm guessing this was just a "one-off" that was in someone's flatware collection. I did manage to find a distant cousin though. Nothing amazing, but it was fun to bust off the tarnish and make it pretty once again. PS: I might have a great story tomorrow, but I don't know for sure. I'm not superstitious but until the deal is done and something's in my hand I can't tell you what I got (because I don't know for sure yet). Stay posted, I'll let you all know tomorrow!
I never ever ever find any silver that isn't jewelry. Lately, I have been picking up old silverplate flatware. If I can get it cheap enough and its in good shape, there is a bit of a market. I take that back. I did find a sterling Art Deco brush and mirror set recently, and another sterling hand mirror. After 62 years.
I've bought and sold quite a bit of silverplate flatware too. And I agree, there's an okay market for a set in good condition.