About changing the birth date, when I signed up I noticed that is one thing that you can't change. I think it said to contact the board admins if you want to change it. ... On another thread I mentioned that I never (or rarely) give my correct birth date, mostly due to concerns about identity theft. And, as Susan mentioned, there is no real reason that it's needed on this board. -- And I still like the emoticons here!
Hi everyone. So nice to see so many people have joined. I'm not on the boards very often do to family illness and obligations. I had no idea how many people were banned or chose to leave. I'm very happy that I found out about this board. Let me apologize in advance if I post and then disappear for a while, it can't be helped under our current circumstances. I never know what each day will bring but I will do my best to follow through. Susan, I didn't tell the truth on my DOB either. I never use the same one. At this rate, everyday will be my birthday.
Any way to view the threads in a different format? I only get about three per page and they have pictures (sometimes multiples) filling up a lot of space. Also, is there away to see when a thread has been updated with new responses that you have not read? One more thing . Is there any way to jump to first unread post? Getting the hang of the new format may take some doing.
Never mind about the last question. I see it gives you an option to jump to first unread once you open the thread.
When I look at a section with multiple threads, for example the Antique Discussion section, I see the titles of 20 threads per page. (Not sure if that is what you mean?) When I open a particular thread I see 20 posts per thread. So I'm not sure. Also, when I look at the general list of sections or at a particular section, I can tell there are new posts because the title of the thread or section is in boldface font. That's all -- I don't remember whether I changed the settings or if it was already like that.
Hope this link works to what I am seeing ..... Currently, there are 5 posts since there are few pics. http://antiquers.com/
OH, I see what is happening. Click on Forums in the top brown bar on that page, then bookmark that and make it your landing place. See if you like that better. Fig
Peter can we change the Fine Art to just "Art", can we include a "Glass" section and can we get rid of "Appraisals"
Hey Davey, I have a question. I did not notice this yesterday, but this morning a very small version of my avatar is showing up in the avatar column of the thread list on each thread to which I have posted like it has been pinned to the lower right corner of the avatar of the original poster of the thread. Is that just this format's was of reminding me that I posted to those threads (like the little arrow on the lithium format) or what?
Davey, Just a few minutes ago I received an eBay message from a member who posts on the Antiques Forum, asking for your information, as they want to join this Forum.. I didn't want to give them a link to this site without your permission, as I know you have been contacting posters directly.
I have asked a couple of people to join us. I was thinking about starting a "game" thread of some kind -- word-link, free association, whatever -- but with an "antiques" twist. Might keep people entertained and occupied until membership increases. Would there be any interest, you think?