Featured Mock-up for vintage sewing pattern cover?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Lucille.b, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    I agree this is a student work. Thanks for all the responses. As soon as Bev pointed out that the "A" matched the "A" in one of the words, I knew this was not some kind of abbreviated signature, but in fact an "A", as in "A-". That pretty much sealed it for me.

    It has been so interesting hearing the different angles on this, Pat's account, and Shiloh's link and all comments.

    Thanks for the help!
    komokwa, Figtree3 and Pat P like this.
  2. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I will add my last 2 cents. I have lots of Butterick patterns too as I sewed for years. Yours looked scant thats when I found the Buttericks magazine and it looked like it would have fit there better as opposed to a pattern pouch.

    I also read where Butterick "patents" all their designs. If this IS a piece of student work I would have thought the teacher would know better than to allow a patented name/design when a student should/would make their own name and design?
  3. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    I think using a company's name would be a trademark issue?

    Unless someone tried to sell a work containing a trademarked name, I don't think there's a legal issue. I believe it's the same for patents and copyright's, too... there has to be commercial misuse for the laws to kick in.
    komokwa likes this.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    If it's used for a one-off piece of art, no one cares.
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