Featured What was this wooden studded stool used for and where was it made?

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Jennifer Plesman Jackson, May 7, 2019.

  1. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    I’ve inherited a bunch of stuff that I didn’t have the foresight to ask my parents about ... hence, I have no information about this hand-carved stool other than its been in my family ever since I remember which is 65 or so years... It is 11” across and 10” high. It is quite heavy so most likely a hardwood.

    Attached Files:

  2. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    Hi Jennifer, more people will get a good look if you select "full image" when posting (otherwise viewing the images at full size are problematic on some phones).

    I don't know anything about your piece, but I'm tagging @Any Jewelry because I just get the feeling she might know something (I could be completely off-base, but she knows a lot of stuff ;) ).

  3. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    Hi Jivvy! Thanks for the tip. I will try to figure out where the “full image” button/option is on my next post. I am so very grateful for your help, my friend... I hope your friend may have a clue. I googled it every which way and couldn’t find anything remotely close to this stool...

    Christmasjoy and i need help like this.
  4. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    People may also ask for more pictures -- getting a look at the bottom of items is often surprisingly helpful.

    Below is a screenshot that shows the "full image" button.

  5. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    Thank you, Jivvy, I did find it on my second post. I thought about posting additional pics but didn’t. Will have to make it a priority. Too pooped tonight to attempt it...
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    it's lovely.....a milking stool perhaps..
  7. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Last edited: May 8, 2019
  8. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

  9. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is, typical Suriname Marron, with those elegant swirling designs cut into light coloured native wood. The metal studs were obtained through trade.
    I'd say it dates from the first half of the 20th century, and it was simply used as a stool. But a beautiful one.:)

    We Dutch call them Marron, which is what they call themselves. Marron, derived from the Caribbean Spanish cimarron for roaming cattle, a word also used for enslaved West Africans who had escaped. That sounds derogative, but the Marrons use that name with pride. Like saying, yes, we are free to roam, no more slavery.
    They are also known as Woodland Creoles.
    Marron culture has evolved from West African cultures but includes indigenous (Indian) elements. The indigenous peoples taught them to survive in the jungle.

    Suriname used to be a Dutch colony. With a name like Plesman and you being Kees' daughter;) the stool could have come through the Dutch side of the family.
  11. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    I cannot tell you how incredibly excited I am that you posted this here. Yes, Dad was Dutch but was born in Den Haag. BUT, mom was born in Suriname!!!! Her dad was a shoemaker there and we go back several generations. Our family history shows that one of the plantations was owned by the Berners. Wow, this is such wonderful news about this stool. Maybe this is something of my Grandfathers. I have nothing of his other than two photos. I visited Suriname many times with Mom when she would go to see her dad (who died at age 95) and her half brother and his family. My sister even went there to live from 1983 to 1987 but came back due to all the shortages and the scary political situation at the time. I have quite a bit of Suriname blood in me as my grandmother was 25% West African. And there were others as well. Anyway, I digress and I now know the origin of this fabulous stool made by the Marrons. (In my digging regarding the plantation the Berners owned, I read up about the Marrons and many other aspects of the plantations there which differed from those in other countries.) Again, thank you for posting here! I!!
    johnnycb09, Michael77, *crs* and 11 others like this.
  12. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    THANK YOU!!!! I had no idea these were made by the Marrons. I posted a lengthy reply down further in this post that may interest you. This may have belonged to my grandfather who was born in Suriname.
  13. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    That is so interesting, it means it is connected with your heritage. Never get rid of it, it is precious.
    You may remember the scary situation was pretty much a civil war and a major player was a Marron called Ronnie Brunswijk with his Jungle Commando.
  14. Phaik Hooi

    Phaik Hooi Well-Known Member

    beautiful stools and i learnt something new as always.
    but when i saw it, i was thinking it was reflexology for the bum :hilarious::hilarious:
    Christmasjoy, komokwa, KSW and 4 others like this.
  15. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    I don’t think I knew he was Marron but my sister definitely did. What is so interesting is that from 1983 to 1987, my sister wrote letters to my mom (Dad had already passed). Mom kept them and now I have them. Diana wrote a lot about the conditions there during that period and the shortages of toilet paper, coffee, petrol, etc. Diana and I were born in New York but mom and dad usually spoke Dutch at home so we understood “conversational” Dutch. When Diana moved there, she learned to read and write it very well whereas I am a slug. Lol. Some day, I may compile what she wrote on the politics of that time as related to the residents there. I have a long, long list of “to dos”. And, YES, I will never let it go. I knew it was something pretty special (I love this stool) but I didn’t know it was from Suriname... I am so stinkin’ excited that I found this forum and so grateful for everyone here who has commented. I have some swords I am going to post as well. But I think they are from Java or thereabouts. Have no clue on those either but I’m sure someone here does!!!
  16. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I have Indonesian ancestry and collect Javanese and Madurese keris (ceremonial daggers), so I can probably tell you something about them.
    So, Jennifer, we are both the result of Dutch colonial history.:eek::playful:
  17. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    Yes, we definitely are!!! I am so excited you are on this forum. Thank you for all the help you offer people like me. I will post the swords in a bit. My sister and I just didn’t think to ask Dad and Mom where these things came from. Dad would often get them off the airplane because people left things behind all the time. But I have a feeling these weren’t left behind... I think you are 7 hours ahead of me so I won’t tarry too long but I’m still on my first cup of coffee and can’t move very fast.
  18. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Please don't rush on my account, I am here most days. And I will be checking if you posted something. If I miss it, people will tag me, they know I want to get my two cents in.;)
    You can tag me too, tagging someone is @ and then someone's name. Like this: @Any Jewelry .
    Christmasjoy and komokwa like this.
  19. Jennifer Plesman Jackson

    Jennifer Plesman Jackson Kees’ daughter

    Super! Just posted the 3 swords. I need more closeups but someone is coming to pick up our piano and I have to get moving.. check in with you later. Can’t wait to read what your assessment is!!! Thank you!!!
  20. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    (I feel like an AWESOME matchmaker.)

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