New National Sewing Machine

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by Sarmiento, May 4, 2019.

  1. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    Good Evening Folks

    First I should say, I can't sew a button so I know nothing about this machine lol. So this sewing machine came from Newfoundland. Someone gave it to my mom. I know my aunt tried it about 30 years ago or more and said it worked well but hasn't been used since.

    I'm curious as to the age and where do I see a serial number on it? From the pictures, there are some bits of items underneath including a key and manual. Not sure which pieces came with the machine. I'm sure that little powder tin did not. It seems sewing machines are a dime a dozen so I'm curious if there is any value in it. It isn't a family heirloom, although I love the smell when I lift the lid. Old smell? lol

    Would just love to know more about it.

    Thanks so much
    Catherine sewing2.jpeg sewing4.jpeg sewing1.jpeg sewing3.jpeg sewing5a.jpeg sewing5.jpeg sewing6.jpeg sewing2.jpeg
    judy and Pat P like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    just cuz there's lots out there don't mean that this one isn't super sweet.

    & stuff that makes it to the rock....not always yer average stuff either..!!
    It's not a Singer !! :hilarious:

    & the case...looks like furniture !!!!!:hilarious::hilarious::):):):)
    judy likes this.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!


    New National (New Home) Hand crank $350
    Pat P likes this.
  4. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    Oh wow your good and fast lol. I saw one on a website but it didn't allow me to see a price. Did it say the age where you saw this pic?
    judy likes this.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    no it did not.....and there may be slight variations from yours.....but it's a start till the gals gather round and hash this one out..........
    it did say though.....that was a sold price...... so good starting point !
    yourturntoloveit and judy like this.
  6. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    The condition looks wonderful. I love the way the old machines were decorated.
  7. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    Oh groovy. Wonder how I can guarantee whoever buys it, will love it. Need a contract lol
    judy and Pat P like this.
  8. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    There is a tad damage on the left side. I think someone tried to light the lid off while it was locked in or something. I will take a pic of that in the morning. I know that kinda stuff depreciates it
    judy likes this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    no no no........other way around.....
    someone who loves it..............will buy it !!! ;)
    judy and Pat P like this.
  10. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    True true:)
    judy and Pat P like this.
  11. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    yes and the scratch on the logo too...
    and i saw one with a full box of equipement....that would stiffen the price..
    but that ebay listing was toast when i got to it..
  12. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

  13. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    oh wow. Wouldn't have realized sewing machines were even made at that date. I'm going to try for a clear picture later of what is inside and hopefully you folks can help me ensure it all belongs with the machine and what somethings are. I recognize scissors and thread lol. I'm sure the little gold box doesn't but was likely used to hold somethin or other:)
  14. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

  15. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    With better lighting I was able to find this information on mine:
    Manufactured in the U.S. of America by the New Home Sewing Mach Co.
    Orange MASS

    Glad I found some sort of number. That may help
    judy likes this.
  16. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

  17. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    OMG you people should be private investigators. Where in the world did you come across that? Brilliant!!! Thank you so much
    komokwa and judy like this.
  18. wiscbirddog

    wiscbirddog Well-Known Member

    You're very welcome. I just searched with: New Home Sewing Model #

    I think your machine is lovely, but like you I don't sew either. Thought it nice enough to research.
    judy and komokwa like this.
  19. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    Lets just say our little sewing kit is under my husbands side of the bed lol.

    I'm attaching a pic of what was inside. Not sure if any of these items are specific to this machine or would have been purchased around that time? When I sell it I'll leave them all inside but just curious.

    Thanks inside machine.jpeg
    komokwa likes this.
  20. Sarmiento

    Sarmiento Member

    sorry bout my ugly little toes showing lol
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