Hi all. Ive had all of these for quite a while ,I might have even asked about them on the other board but if I did,I cant find it. I got all these when I was having a tumbler phase,but now Im doing the spring cleaning thing and wondering if any of these are worth holding on to ? Any input is much appreciated.
Jeez - you should know better than to ask a glassie if these are keepers. Glassies keep Everything. LOL. I end up with the clear because they go with everything. I actually use all my lovely glassware.
Johnnycb09, re Photo #5 (second from the bottom), I love love love the orange/red glass between the two green glasses. It is really appealing to me even if I usually have nothing to do with anything orange.
Found these but don't know if either is right. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=northwood+feathered+dahlia&rt=nc http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-NOR...958?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5d581a8e86
Thank you everyone ! So the rest are just "meh" ? I really need to get rid of so much,but I always think Im going to get around to researching and might throw away or donate a treasure,hence the piles !
Thank you George. I will keep the colored glass ones,but I think I'll donate the cut crystal ones. My days of entertaining are over,and they just take up room !