Researching My Family's Story

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MountainLark, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. MountainLark

    MountainLark Active Member

    Civil War Era stuff, I'm sure. But items from the war itself? Not in my immediate family. Might ask some cousins that would know.

    I have ancestors that were on both sides of the conflict. One great-great-grandad was a master horseman by all accounts and signed up with the cavalry with his brother; they saw some of the worst fighting in the war.
  2. MountainLark

    MountainLark Active Member

    Yes, they certainly did!

    I've got my main roots in Letcher, Breathitt and Perry counties in KY, and Cabell and Wayne counties in WV, but I've no doubt we're related somehow. ;)
  3. MountainLark

    MountainLark Active Member

    It IS the most beautiful countryside in the world, as far as I'm concerned. Growing up in my hometown was like living inside a Norman Rockwell painting: rolling lawns, picket fences, and tree-lined avenues with small but well-kept homes. Of course there were pockets of deep poverty, but that can be found in other parts of the country, as well -- sometimes worse! I've never understood why Appalachia gets singled out so much as the "poster child" for hard times.
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I saw the Anthony Bourdain show were he visited that part of the country.
    It was very moving.....
    judy and Christmasjoy like this.
  5. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    MountainLark, many, many moons ago I lived in the NC mountains for two years. I was always "taken" with the (Native American) names of (some) towns/settlements and rivers.;)

    My favorite "river name" was the Tuckaseegee (which, I learned when living in the mountains, means "slow moving like a turtle"). It was aptly named until too much rain fell in a short period of time and it became a "raging" river which sometimes overflowed its banks.
  6. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Oh, then we might be cousins.
    My grandfather was from Perry county KY.
    We drove through KY and WV this past summer. Made a stop in Salyersville at their Pilgrim Museum. They had a dedication from a couple of years ago for a I don't know how many greats grandfather as a Revolutionary war soldier. My great uncle was listed on their WWI memorial.

    Very pretty country.
  7. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    Welcome MountainLark!
    judy and MountainLark like this.
  8. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    OOOPPPPSSS!!! I misspelled the river's name -- correct spelling for the river is "Tuckasegee (one 'e' before the "gee"). :shame:

    But it is pronounced "tuck-uh-see-gee" (honest).;)
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2019
    judy and Figtree3 like this.
  9. MountainLark

    MountainLark Active Member

    Perry, eh? We probably are related, especially if you have any Adkins, Byrds, Combs, Sizemores, Wyants or Withrows anywhere in your family tree. There's a few Hatfields, as well -- but no, not those Hatfields. Ours were from the more respectable branch. (Least that's what I've been told.)
    Bakersgma, judy and komokwa like this.
  10. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    :(None of those names ring a bell. The line I was following was Wages.
    judy likes this.
  11. Jenny Finster

    Jenny Finster New Member

    I'm right there with ya. loving it.
  12. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    unfortunately you're talking to a member that was here for 3 days in early 2019....and never came back........
    which is a pisser cuz he seemed the type of person we'd enjoy bantering with !!!:(
    Figtree3 likes this.
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