A thead to introduce ourselves.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by clutteredcloset49, May 31, 2014.

  1. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    Hello. I have been on here a couple weeks and just noticed this thread. My noame is Mike, and I live in Valrico Florida. I have been collecting and selling since the late eighties. I never had much interest in Antiques while growing up. In the late eighties I lost my job as a Hotel Manager, and went for a long time without the "will" to look for another Job. During that time , a Great Aunt of mine passed away, so I went up to my parents home to help my Father with the estate. The woman was a hoarder, and the house was packed floor to ceiling with all manor of stuff she had collected over the years, she was the type to put little notes on everything,,,,,In her desk we found a small bag of candy with a note stating that it was a gift to her on the occcaision of her wedding in 1902 from a neighbor.....you get the idea. Anyway, at her estate auction ( which took 3 days) . I bought a couple box lots which were mostley glass stuff, but had other things I wanted along with it. I never thought much about it. I brought the stuff back home to Florida. One day a neighbor had come over and noticed the boxes, and said...."you know, I think you have some really valuable stuff there". she called a friend that was an independent appraiser, who graciously agreed to come over to take a look.
    As, it turns out, there was mostly depression glass, but some of it WAS Rare. I couldn't believe the prices she was telling me I could get for it. I thought to myself, you know, I have seen tons of this stuff at garages sales and flea markets, I bet nobody realizes what they have. That started the ball rolling. I bought a DG book and started searching. Soon after I rented my first space in a Flea Maket and began selling my great aunts stuff. I made $400.00 my first day. It saved me from getting thrown out of the place I was renting and starving to death. Soon I began finding and selling depression glass full time and have been trading in all types of glass ever since. I rarely do depression glass anymore, and my favorite to collect now is Alexandrite colored glass.
    Some may remember me from my weekly posts as we were bottle feeding some week old abandoined kittens. I used to post periodic updates on them on the PGP board, which everybody seemed to enjoy and look forward to. One day I posted that one for the Cats had snuck out, got pregnant and presented us with 3 more kittens. I took some real nasty comments from a few people, and that ended my kitty updates. So for those of you who are curious, we are the proud parents to 10 kittie who are all happy, healthy, and fixed. All descendants of Ferals that we have socialized and cared for over the years.
    Happy to be here!
  2. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Hi Mike -
    So glad to see you made it here.
    I remember the kitties and really enjoyed your pictures. Can't remember the name of the male rascal, who was always getting into things.
    Would love to see a current picture.
  3. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    Pat.....that rascal is named DOZER. He is still the most outgoing of the bunch. Curious and into everything. He is also my shadow. As soon as I sit down he is up in my lap for a quick nap. He also has the notion that everything has something to do with him LOL.
    Here is a fresh pic of him. He was the one that was out in the rain for HOURS, before we could track down his cries. He was only 1 week old. I am suprised ( and very thankful) that he made it through. We named him Dozer because he would Bulldoze through all the other kittens to get to the bottle first.
    The second pic is of one of the other kitties peeking out from the cupboard above the fridge. We velcroed them shut, but she was persistant enough to get in there.....so we just took everything out and let her have it.
    056.JPG 034.JPG
    *crs* and spirit-of-shiloh like this.
  4. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    Hi Mike,
    I remember those kitties on the PGB - loved seeing them thrive each week! You did an amazing job at keeping them alive, and look at them now!
    *crs* likes this.
  5. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    I wish I could get them all together to take a group picture.
    Thank you Mary! We really had a time with it. Having to get them all fed, cleaned and "pooped" every few hours made life difficult for awhile, but I would do it all again in a second. Luckily, little Adele was a great mother to her 3 little ones.!
  6. Kgr947

    Kgr947 New Member

    Hi Mike. I remember your posts and updates on the kittens. Really enjoyed reading about them. Glad to see you here.
  7. Hartmans2

    Hartmans2 New Member

    I am SO SO happy I figured out finally how to get here :)

    I am T or Theresa. I have been on the EBAY PGP board and Antiques Board for going on 11 yrs. I got into being a treasure hunter as a kid when my grandmother had an antique shop. She had a keen eye for finding things and along the years I picked up a thing or two from her to.

    Over the years I have both collected and sold many many types of things. I've had my own shop, I've sold on Ebay. I love thrifting still even though it seems a lot of the thirifts have now become their own antique stores. lol

    I have sold on Ebay for at least the last 10 yrs. had to take some time off this past year and half as we lost of son Ricky at 22 yrs. old and I just could hardly function. I am so happy to be here with so many I have the pleasure of interacting with in those 10 yrs. Trying to get back into and enjoy some part of life again......

    Just very very happy to be here...thanks for setting up this board

  8. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Hi, T -- Sorry it took a while to find this place, but am glad that you are here now.
  9. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Oh Mike. those black kitties are so handsome. Hope that now we have a better place, you will post a few of your kitty pictures from time to time.

    Hmm, maybe someone should start a Kitty Antics thread on the General Discussion Board.

    T (HUGS)
    I had no idea of your loss. Just knew I hadn't seen you on that e place for awhile. So glad to have you with us. This is such a lovely place to be. I'm glad you are here with us and hope that we can provide support and interest to you.
  10. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

  11. Pilkenton

    Pilkenton New Member

    Just joined. Got a lot of unanswered questions about some stuff I have. Maybe someone can help, or maybe I can help someone else.
    Peter T Davis likes this.
  12. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Whoa, miss this thread a few days and look how it's grown! Welcome Trip, Mike, T and Pilkenton! If I missed anybody well welcome to you too!
  13. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Yeah, great to see so many peeps signing up. Mike, that 2nd kitty looks like he/she is saying, "It is MINE, all MINE!"
  14. Bdigger

    Bdigger Well-Known Member

    Yeah he has pretty much claimed the cupboard, but every once in awhile his sneaky sister will scurry in and peak out to make sure she wasn't Caught in the act 030.JPG
    kentworld likes this.
  15. buyingtime777

    buyingtime777 Well-Known Member

    My name is Barbara. My husband and I buy, restore, and sell early American pocket watches. We have been on Ebay since 2002. We have many areas of collecting interest including old cure bottles, watches, knives, horse themed items, cookie jars, antique clocks, pottery, watchmaking tools and more.

    I am happy to find this site having caught wind of it on the boards from a certain bloke. Lithium is a little heavy handed over there. I got slapped the other day for putting Ebay's phone number up for someone. They told me I was in violation of posting an individuals phone number. Whatever.

    Glad to be here, Lithium FREE!!
  16. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Mikey,
    I remember your post from a long time. For some silly reason I thought you were a bar tender and your hobby was depression glass. lol. I love the kitties your Dozer reminds me of my Alfie. We were holding a board meeting and had pizza. One lady lifted a piece up and Alfie flew through the air and snagged the slice. He landed and had the cheese off before anyone could react.
    Hi T,
    Sorry about your son, it is happening so much lately. I will keep him and you in my prayers.
  17. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Barbara,
    Welcome to you and Pilkerton. I was afraid weaning off Lithium would interfer with my "BiPolar" love/hate dealings with eBay. I am not making fun of mental illness having several relatives with along with friends. Just a play on words.
    buyingtime777 likes this.
  18. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    T -- so very sorry to hear of your loss. My deepest sympathies.
  19. 42Skeezix

    42Skeezix Moderator Moderator

    Barb (Buyingtime) Cure bottles? Are you hard core? The bottle MUST have "Cure" or a derivative, curative, curing, etc. embossed in the glass? One of my first specific collecting fields in antique bottles was "cure" bottles. I liked the idea that it was illegal to use the word cure for any medication after the food and drug act of 1906. That's why you find some bottles in both cure and remedy variants. Kilmer's Swamp Root Kidney and Liver Cure is a great example. Late blown and early machine made Kilmers' are Remedies because they had to change all their molds in 1906. Warners safe cure is another. In this case the later Remedy variants are far more scarce and thus much more valuable than the earlier but far more common Cure variants.

    T- I was so happy a relieved to see your first tentative returning steps on the old boards and I'm sincerely overjoyed to see you found and joined our good ol' gang over here!

    You know we're always here, and we always care.
  20. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Welcome Barbara :)

    buyingtime777 likes this.
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