Featured Perhaps I just wanted something to polish...

Discussion in 'Silver' started by MrNate, Feb 5, 2019.

  1. MrNate

    MrNate Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone,

    Today I stumbled upon these pieces, they appear be to pure silver over porcelain. I couldn't resist purchasing them, as the price was only $5 for all three. One of my greatest satisfactions comes out of "bring an item out of old age" and putting a nice shine back on items. Here's my question: does anyone know if these are very collectible, or just the same as regular old plated stuff? The bottom marking reads Feinsilber Auflage 1000/000.

    IMG_0460.JPG IMG_0461.JPG IMG_0462.JPG IMG_0463.JPG IMG_0464.JPG IMG_0465.JPG IMG_0466.JPG IMG_0467.JPG
  2. Lecollectionneur

    Lecollectionneur Well-Known Member

    Good buy for yours $ if you need some work, here and on the german market those items are no more very desirable, only those made by KPM or others big names, but no more the prices they make 20 years ago, now buyers doesn't polish anymore, the last ones I've cleaned were varnished with protective spray used for photography or paper works, it make them more resistant, at least 5 years before cleaning again.
  3. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Nate,
    I am with you I LOVE to polish silver!!!!!!
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    could they have used pure silver to plate these?
    kyratango, i need help and MrNate like this.
  5. Lecollectionneur

    Lecollectionneur Well-Known Member

    Yes, on all I've tested it was high grade silver to protect from tarnish, and more easy to apply with electrolysis.
  6. Fid

    Fid Well-Known Member

    seems to be the mark of Krautheim Porzellan.
    not sure though what they mean by 1000/000, which is mathematically complete nonsense.
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