This cup, by Baily, Banks, and Biddle, was patented in 1892, and is dated 1895. It's the "Muckle Cup" for the 3rd annual race for boats of the Mosquito type, held in Riverton, New Jersey. I thought I'd share, just for the fun of it. It's another piece my grandmother had. I guess she picked it up in New York in the '20's.
Sailors love punny names for their races. One at the club my parents belonged to was called "The Hot Ruddered Bum" race. It was NOT held at the height of summer.
Frank, if you note the pictorial maker's mark is of Whiting Manufacturing Co of New York. BBB was involved but not as maker. The club probably ordered it from BBB.
@Frank You can see where it wasn't cleaned up totally around and above the "T" in type and a few other areas.