Sterling Mark - W in a shield

Discussion in 'Silver' started by wildrose, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. wildrose

    wildrose Well-Known Member

    I have no idea why I cannot locate this mark it seems so familiar yet I have looked at all the usual places with no luck. Maybe my eyes are just too old. Thank you. wsterling.jpg wsterling2.jpg wsterling1.jpg
    Christmasjoy and judy like this.
  2. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    I couldn't find it either. :(
    Christmasjoy, judy and wildrose like this.
  3. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!'s about giving it a soft polish.....I see a couple of well worn marks......i.e.....two worn faces and a star......can you see if you can get it any better IN focus too???? I know.....I sometimes want the world in a handbasket too!!!!!;);)

    You see what looks kind of like a smudge to the left of and next to the W in the shield....I see a man's face in my ragged circle-profile facing right (actually looks a bit like Shakespeare, as in William;......the one above that.... a star--or another person, and the one above that, another more faded man's face with what looks like a wide brim hat & beard......and no, I am not on any 'funny juice'!!!!!!! Sure sounds like an option though!!:joyful::joyful:

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2019
    judy likes this.
  4. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    You've got some imagination, Sue!;)
  5. wildrose

    wildrose Well-Known Member

  6. I have a pepper grinder with this mark. searching as well.....Let me know if you learn what it is!
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2022
    judy likes this.
  7. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    why don't u show us your grinder and mark???

    help help you !!:happy:
    BoudiccaJones likes this.
  8. original

    original New Member

    I have what I believe to be a watch case with the same hallmark. See attached pic. Has anyone figured out the source of this hallmark?

    Attached Files:

  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    not a hallmark
    not the same shield
    not the same W

    but nice try,,,
    maybe if u post the mark and the whole case on the jewelry Forum ....someone may recognize it !
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  10. original

    original New Member

    @komokwa, what do you mean it’s not a hallmark? It’s the only maker’s mark on both sides of the piece. What else could it be? Also, while perhaps not identical to the other poster’s mark, it’s incredibly similar. I’d be shocked if there is another shield with a “W” out there. Thanks for your help investigating.
  11. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    A hallmark is a mark that states fineness (14k gold, sterling silver), what you showed was a maker’s mark :)
    terry5732 likes this.
  12. original

    original New Member

    Ah yes, thanks @Marie Forjan for clarifying the distinction. We are trying to figure out the “maker’s mark” here. The “W” inside the shield. My fault for confusing the two. ;-)
  13. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Seems your only other post here was when you first joined in May, 2021, asking for the kind help of Kronos in giving a Worthpoint sold price, but couldn't be bothered to even thank him - Given the previous lack of common courtesy, not surprised at the tenor of your responses to two regular members' responses. As suggested, your mark appears to differ from the OP's, a serifed 'W' in a different shield, and you show no 'STERLING' mark - a shield with a letter, symbol, design, etc. is a common form of trademark, and watch cases wouldn't typically be made by the same manufacturer as a butter dish or a not pictured but mentioned pepper-grinder.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
  14. original

    original New Member

    Thank you all so very much for your help and for welcoming me so graciously into your forum. Contrary to dragonflywink’s comments above I have ALWAYS thanked for receiving help. See attached pictures. Some people just assume I guess, and you know what they say about assuming….. 27FCC0EC-5978-4048-B80B-BD8F4D17E6A9.jpeg AC13E482-9ADF-4218-ABF7-2702E44720C2.jpeg
  15. original

    original New Member

    And for the record, I don’t know what “tenor” you speak of. Not everyone is as educated about antiques, which is why we turn to this forum. I simply asked how an item didn’t have what I thought was a “hallmark” which is actually a “maker’s mark” and that gives me a tenor? Then you assume I didn’t thank Kronos, which I proved to be a false assumption. Anyway, not very welcoming to the “new” folks! Think about it.
  16. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    The tenor of your responses was the tone, with the same seeming veiled sarcasm exhibited more clearly in this comment, "Thank you all so very much for your help and for welcoming me so graciously into your forum.", as well as your trite reference to the 'ASS U ME' platitude, "Some people just assume I guess, and you know what they say about assuming….."

    For some reason, I'm oddly unable to access any of your pictured posts from June 22, 2021, whether by you, Kronos or drg642 - but here is the one I linked earlier, from May 19, 2021, clearly showing your declaration that, "I have ALWAYS thanked for receiving help.", is untrue:


    Your profile shows only the posts from yesterday and today, and the post from the day you joined, almost a year and a half ago:

    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    Any Jewelry, Ownedbybear and komokwa like this.
  17. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    This should stop now.
    original likes this.
  18. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    No worries, Janet, I'm gone - once declared a 'troll', without defense or post removal by a moderator, there's no reason to be here...
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    Any Jewelry and komokwa like this.
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    No !!
    Stay !!!
    U got folks here who luv ya...respect ya....and your being here is a major contribution to this sites value !!!!

    So sez Komo !!!!!:beaver::beaver::beaver:
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  20. Iouri

    Iouri Well-Known Member

    ''DragonflyWink''. People who use this site will miss you and your knowledge.
    Any Jewelry, Ownedbybear and komokwa like this.
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