Identify chairs

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Chknanne, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. Chknanne

    Chknanne New Member

    I recently found these chairs for $5 each and absolutely love them. The problem is they are a set of 5 and I need to identify them so I can hopefully research and find one more. I’ve stripped them down thinking they were just cheap chairs and they appear to be mahogany. There isn’t a single identifying mark anywhere under the seat or on the chair.

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  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    one reason they were 5 bucks , is cuz the 6th is missing...;)

    good luck with your search.....
    others here will advise on the nature of the chair..:):)
    judy likes this.
  3. Chknanne

    Chknanne New Member

    Lol I’m starting to regret this project ;)

    they were covered in abandoned wasp and other bug nests like they were stored in a shed for many years. Initially I thought it would be easy to find a match since single old chairs pop up online all the time that are similar. Apparently all of them are much smaller and not nearly as cool as these 5. :facepalm:
    judy and komokwa like this.
  4. wlwhittier

    wlwhittier Well-Known Member

    Hah! Thats easy! Pick the loosest, or otherwise the crummiest, an' burn it. Then y'got a set...of 4! No applause...I live to serve.
    Happy!, Neece, judy and 3 others like this.
  5. Chknanne

    Chknanne New Member

    That is completely my plan for 95% of the time when my family of 4 is using them. I am leaning optimistic that I can find one lonely little straggler somewhere that wants to fill in the gaps for when we have company. Fingers crossed! But at the very least I’ll be using a set of 4 without a doubt!
    judy and komokwa like this.
  6. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    1940s-60s mass produced Im afraid. Cheap when new,but still better than crap made today.You can refinish them,paint them,do whatever you want .Enjoy them,make them your own .
    judy and komokwa like this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Nice middle class dining room chairs from the period above. You can always add two upholstered statement chairs for the heads of the table to make up your set of six. (And use the extra as a decorative element against the dining room wall or at a living room desk for use when a guest joins you.)

    Neece, Born2it, Fern77 and 4 others like this.
  8. Chknanne

    Chknanne New Member

    I wanted them to be mass produced so I can find the last chair My biggest issues is the size. They are much bigger than all similar chairs mass produced in that time frame so I can’t sneak in a fake without being noticed. I’ve finished the wood so all I have left to do is recover the seats and I absolutely love them!

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    Happy! and Born2it like this.
  9. Chknanne

    Chknanne New Member

    Great minds think alike! I had that in mind as a last resort. My greedy side wants to see the lines of these chairs on the sides and the ends of the table. It isn’t going in to a huge dining area so I am afraid to overload it with too much going on. But I definitely will keep that idea in mind. Thanks!

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    Happy! likes this.
  10. Fern77

    Fern77 Well-Known Member

    They are Regency in style, and they look rather nice. Drop in cushion means reupholstering will be easy and inexpensive, and that mahogany looks like it just needs a good waxing and polishing. As Debs said, you can look for not one but two, and not side- but arm- chairs, which won't matter if not exactly the same as the other four or five.
    Born2it and Chknanne like this.
  11. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Pulled together by the same or coordinating upholstery fabric.

    Born2it, Fern77 and Chknanne like this.
  12. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Probably part of a so-called Duncan Phyfe set so you might use that as a search term.
  13. Drew

    Drew Well-Known Member

    Always be careful when rescuing furniture from bug rich places... barns, sheds, etc. When brought into your house, if the item still has bugs living inside, they'll love a fresh home, like the other furniture in your house.
  14. Chknanne

    Chknanne New Member

    I agree! I’m overly cautious about bugs. I completely stripped the chairs down to its bones and even stripped those bones just to make sure there was no chance of bugs. Brand new seat cushions completely to clear out any funk and mold also.

    I found a similar set of armchairs and made them match so my troubles are over. Hallelujah! Thanks for all of the replies and feedback! :shame:

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  15. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    So delighted you're pleased with your project. Enjoy your chairs!

    Born2it, Ghopper1924 and Chknanne like this.
  16. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    They look lovely in your beautiful home.
  17. Cherry Tree Depot

    Cherry Tree Depot New Member

    Looks like a vintage dining chair.
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