Vintage/Older Guelain Woman /Dress Coat

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by antiquelover69, Aug 22, 2022.

  1. antiquelover69

    antiquelover69 Well-Known Member

    I got this suit coat about 14+ years ago along with Shalimar perfume,I assume it's an employee uniform in Paris,maybe someone who worked for Guerlain,I've googled many sites still found nothing,even had this on another site and found nothing,there was a bottom skirt but has misplaced it.Coat FapEG0Md84aJYgdIbs.ybQ-smallw.jpg 8CgPO.ogJXmUbSwSHTXe0g-smallw.jpg has a cleaner's tag that has Yorkshire cleaners,tag in jacket is Guerlain Paris,very nice and clean size 10,I believe this is a rare item,anybody know about this item I would love to know.
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Part of a uniform worn by a counter salesperson. ("Guerlain Paris" is the company's branding not an indication of location.) Not sure how rare; would have been produced in the hundreds. Yours may well be from Memphis or St. Louis where there are Yorkshire Cleaners. Doesn't look terribly old.

    Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 7.31.13 PM.jpeg
  3. antiquelover69

    antiquelover69 Well-Known Member

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  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    That looks like the original logo that was used until 2015. You can refer to this to confirm/not. If no shoulder pads, post-1980s which will give you your window for dating.


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  5. antiquelover69

    antiquelover69 Well-Known Member

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