Featured Help with identifying Ivy/Bone Items

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by George Chaney, Jul 19, 2022.


Did I actually score?

  1. One Man's Trash....

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  2. I'm Not Say'n

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  3. Yoh Mamma Would B Proud!

  1. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Things are frantically weird right now,very sorry abt the tax thing.Prop Taxes anywhere now-no joke.
    judy, George Chaney and Any Jewelry like this.
  2. George Chaney

    George Chaney Well-Known Member

    I am relieved the scale shall remain stable!!! It is tragic what is taking place with wildlife. I believe from a scale standpoint, population growth in Europe, Canada, US, Russia and a few other nations is negative or neutral. I am not sure what the numbers are but China and India I know are billionaires as it were with population. It surely hard to fathom the number but think I read somewhere that we are headed to 10 billion....Holy cow that is a lot of sex! :)

    If I remember correctly, someone said something to me about a plan in motion to depopulate the world so that should get settled sooner than later... :)

    They will be in my display case for my family's enjoyment :)

    It really is tragic, and I wish we could figure out how we can find the right balance with nature, man and technology. In all seriousness, I fear we are trading one issue for another with the whole EV thing. The batteries and chemical impact on the environment is a disaster in the making.

    On the upside, the toxicity of the current EV batteries will reduce the population....lol

    being a florida boy from the time I was 9 months old to a 44 year old, I sure hope not given all the family I have there. Granted I've heard Florida was gonna sink for decades... I will say, put the word out, if people continue to move to the state, man, its gonna tip over...which would be good for the population issue....lmbo

    Well, I have never liked disney and all the crowds and 1 hour lines to get on a ride, and everything so expensive. That, and frankly, I really do believe that every company should have to pay taxes just like my company used to have to do. Hate the fact the huge corps like Disney get special legislated exemptions. They can afford it, pay up.

    Love it - but have to disagree. Humans are like cockroaches. You just can't ever seem to kill them all....lol.... and we do indeed live in fascinating times.

    Be blessed!
    judy likes this.
  3. George Chaney

    George Chaney Well-Known Member

    @bosko69 @DragonflyWink

    I was just having fun so JIC was not being serious!

    Owned a business in Plant City, grew up in Brandon, Lived in Dover, Valrico, Cutler Ridge, & homestead, been all over the state. Best fishing ever in Tampa. Boy I miss FL sometimes, except during the Summer when it is 100% humidity and like a 1000 degree temps almost every day.

    judy and johnnycb09 like this.
  4. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Indian River's pretty fine too.
    judy and johnnycb09 like this.
  5. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    ...cockroaches and shady mechanics.
    judy likes this.
  6. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I dont even recognize the state grew up in anymore. I remember as a small boy going down A1A to Miami and there being nothing but sand dunes .Now its houses and condos from here to Miami ! I also remember a kinder,gentler Florida ,also nicknamed "Gods waiting room" due to the fact retirees were a huge portion of the population. People were so different then too ,but I guess that can be attributed to the loss of civility in general. I wish my nieces and nephews could have experienced it the way it was,it was a great place to grow up then.
  7. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    The older parts of Orlando's still pretty cute-I seem to remember a lake there.The 50's,a different time,wasn't afraid to go to school.Bored yes,afraid nope.
    judy likes this.
  8. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    So here I am, despite my feelings, delving into politics, but I'm only attempting to address comments - perhaps the admins will just prefer to delete the 'Florida' political stuff....

    I am no particular fan of Disney, who does in fact pay taxes to the state and counties, but what happened here was that they took a rather late political stand that basically affected nothing, and that was unpopular with certain people, so a special session was called and three days later the bill to remove 'special tax districts' formed before 1968 was signed. Disney's Reedy Creek district was formed in 1967 and the bill applied to only five others, the other 1800+ special districts in the state will not be affected.

    Disney's property is located in two counties, one of which is mine - all of the district's assets and their debts (which is estimated at a minimum 750 million) will, by law, have to be transferred to these counties when the district is dissolved, so unless some sort of solution is worked out, our taxes will increase quite a bit. While Reedy Creek has definite benefits for Disney in terms of not having to deal with county codes and regulations, with their 'self-taxing' and bond issues funding the district, it also has significant value for the involved counties because Reedy Creek maintains their own police and fire departments, along with their own massive waste collection and road construction/maintenance crews, etc. - we will have to take over all that as well, and it will cost a bundle, so even more tax increases for the residents, and would guess increases in tourist taxes as well.

    NanaB, judy, Ownedbybear and 2 others like this.
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    seems now a days in the USA , there's a whole bunch o' things that are "unpopular with certain people,".......and it seems that those kinda people are now in a position of power......to change things that ' they ' find to be unpopular.....to them !

    but , in doing so...... there's now a whole new mess of folks....who find the new changes...... unpopular...to them !!

  10. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Cheryl-Very sorry about your taxes,we both just retired and Medicare + the Supplement + Property Taxes are no joke.
    judy, George Chaney and johnnycb09 like this.
  11. George Chaney

    George Chaney Well-Known Member

    As did we @bosko69. Effective 10/1 of last year retirement started. We actually had to put it off a year and ended up renting @ $1950 a month.. ugh.....

    Gas. Inflation in general, food costs.... etc. We were supposed to build our retirement home here in the mountains of NC when we bought the land early last year. Couldn't get a builder to even come look at the property. When we finally did 2 months ago, they wanted 300K for a very modest 1300 sf single story farmhouse, 2 bedrooms, all builder grade and we own the land, (7 acres on a ridge @2900 ft with a relatively flat grade), with well, power and septic all on site. I said nope, so we live in a camper. Granted, living off the Blueridge we're like on vacation every day...lol

    @DragonflyWink Cheryl, I really was just being playful. I hate property taxes as well and I am sorry if you are being impacted through no fault of your own.

    As a libertarian or I suppose classic liberal, I tell my kids, it ain't my problem, I'm retired, you guys get to decide what your future looks like. In our immediate and extended family, we have 32 and growing. They include a socialist, a communist, democrats, republicans and the unaffiliated in our family, and they all come stay and are welcomed here. My wife and I are fortunate enough to live in a place that respects what the classic liberal means so I really don't worry so much about the rest.
    techbiker likes this.
  12. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Eh, it's not really the taxes themselves, death and taxes are the only sure things in life - it was the reason and the way it was done, and frustration that it came up here in mocking my state. My life was very unstable until moving here at 13, right before Disney opened, it is my home - like Johnny, thought it was a great place to grow up, and I don't much care for the changes either, though there are still pockets of beauty and nice folks (the St Johns River is my happy place). There is a widely varied group of people on Antiquers, why point out the flaws in someone else's home country, state, town, etc., wherever it may be?

    NanaB, judy, George Chaney and 2 others like this.
  13. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Agree. Every location has its beauty and its issues.
    No one actually knows what a country, state, etc is really like, only the people who live there. The same goes for the whys and wherefores of certain local issues, which are often very complex.
  14. George Chaney

    George Chaney Well-Known Member

    Just thought I would give an update. The longer sewing bit - I thought it was a hair pin, went missing between the auction house and the shipper. The balance of the items arrived in one piece, and all are in excellent condition. I was very pleased. Going to have to do some research as I want to put the card case in a shadow box and display it.

    Thanks everyone for your help and comments!
  15. MidwestMagpie

    MidwestMagpie Owner/Proprietor, Trusted Hands Estate Sales

    My own 2 cents, fwiw (1 cent, maybe): As much as I love the look, feel and joy of owning antique elephant ivory, I enjoy the thought that maybe elephants will still exist in the wild in my grandchildren’s lifetimes even more. Full stop.
  16. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    it's a nice thought.......
    kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  17. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Antique ivory items were made in a different time, when people regarded such things differently and often had no idea what was involved.
    The elephants that once bore the magnificent tusks those items were carved from died long ago. We can't bring them back. But we can admire the beauty of antique objects carved by artists for whom ivory was simply a precious material.

    We know better now. Or should know better.
    Ivory is still big business, especially in East Asia. Elephants are still being killed, illegally, for the manufacture of 'antique' netsuke, puzzle balls, etc. The people who kill them are heavily armed criminals. Brave wildlife guards are being killed while trying to protect the elephants.

    We occasionally see recently bought post-CITES ivory netsuke here on Antiquers, and it is painful to see. Sure, they were bought out of ignorance, but this is one of those cases where ignorance kills.
    If you don't know much about netsuke etc, please don't buy them. Admire antique ones in museum collections. You don't have to own everything you like.
    If you buy post-CITES ivory, you are funding the killing of more elephants and guards.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
  18. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    So well said :)
    I totally agree!!! :kiss:
    bercrystal, komokwa and Any Jewelry like this.
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I think I have a couple of those pieces........ bought at antique shows.....
    I'm a bad boy.....:(
    kyratango and Any Jewelry like this.
  20. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    There was a time when we didn't have the research resources we have now. We weren't as aware of the pitfalls in those days.
    I bought an 'antique' netsuke when I was teen, in the 70s. It turned out to be 20th century, pre-CITES, but only just.

    Now we know that the world is full of fakes, and the Chinese churn out fake anything every minute, including ivory 'netsuke' etc.
    kyratango likes this.
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