Repro or original?

Discussion in 'Art' started by rink28, May 31, 2022.

  1. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    I found this poster and found others but they were different than mine. Not really sure how to tell if it's an original or reproduction. Thank you for any info.

    20220531_133635.jpg 20220531_133644.jpg 20220531_133652.jpg 20220531_133658.jpg
  2. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    I can't see the point of reproducing that. The difference between yours and others may be size of display for which it was intended. Interesting that it was a Spanish film.


  3. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    I think it is an original also.
    Figtree3, rink28 and Boland like this.
  4. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    Thanks it was in a lot of posters I bought.
  5. David Kiehl

    David Kiehl Well-Known Member

    rink28 likes this.
  6. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Do you collect posters, or sell them, or both?

    Just curious... I don't collect or sell them, but do like films of all sorts.
    rink28 likes this.
  7. rink28

    rink28 Well-Known Member

    I mostly just sell unless its got nice artwork I I like I might keep but I am running out of room to start keeping stuff lol
    Figtree3 likes this.
  8. Firemandk

    Firemandk Well-Known Member

    Ah, Cameron Mitchell, "Buck" from "The High Chaparral"...loved that western when I was a kid ... Henry Darrow was great on it .......
    Any Jewelry and Figtree3 like this.
  9. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Good old Cameron-Kids we used to see him constantly on the Tube when Star Trek started in '66-67.He also starred in some classic Mario Bava Giallo flicks ,also helped Orson Welles on some projects-(god the stories some of these classic B-Movie guys had must be legendary !).
    Start studying yer YouTube Kids-history & culture can be edifying & fun,plus it'll keep you from f*%# up so much of your future.
  10. milestoneks

    milestoneks Active Member

    Appears original to me. States 1967, and to reiterate, there's no advantage to go to the expense to reproduce this poster. Movie posters come in a variety of sizes ie: lobby cards, window cards, inserts, half sheet, one sheet and many more.
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