Featured Friends~is this Beatrice Alcock?

Discussion in 'Art' started by BoudiccaJones, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    I picked this up yesterday,I only usually get pictures that catch my eye as I am a complete novice, so I just buy what appeals to me.

    This is murky as all hell, and I think it's oil but it has glass and it touches in some places. I liked something about it though.

    It measures 19 inches down (49 cms) and 14 inches across including frame. (36 cms)
    These pics are terrible.
    I did try, I took hundreds and believe it or not these are the best.

    It's signed B. Alcock and I found a minor painter named Beatrice Alcock.
    To my uneducated eye the sig looks similar. I don't know if she painted in oil ever though. Also subject matter utterly different.
    ( And ofc I could be way off base. )
    It doesn't really matter, just curious. I am keeping it, I'm just interested.
    Makes it a bit more *mine*/ more personal somehow.
    Though again, it's only for casual info as I'm keeping it anyway. So my feelings won't be hurt if I have it wrong

    Anyway this is the Beatrice Alcock I found


    This is the example I found of her sig, from this site above

    **Edit the pic isn't showing, tried to add it again**

    And now for my pics. I am genuinely sorry, it was so sunny...I can try again if necessary









    Thank you everyone xxx
  2. Houseful

    Houseful Well-Known Member

    It’s hard to match Painters when they are using different mediums but to me they don’t look like the same hand but I could be wrong.
  3. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    Totally agree...it's more likely I'm wrong. As I keep saying :D I'm only interested and as Oscar said, I ask merely for information!
    Many thanks House xxx
  4. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Agree with Houseful, not the same painter, based on what little can be seen of the round piece. Looks like the painting was done on burlap.
    Houseful and BoudiccaJones like this.
  5. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    Many thanks anti xxx
    Just thought the lettering looked similar and ofc the name, didn’t think anything else matched xxx
  6. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Oh you're quite welcome, Bou! To my eye, the siggy doesn't match, the painting is ad various angles, the round (is that a brooch?) painting has a deliberately neat signature, all angles are similar, there may be a slight curve at the bottom of the lowercase "L" not sure, hard to see.

    I had to look up how to spell brooch!
    Any Jewelry and BoudiccaJones like this.
  7. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    I think the round painting is a big thing, not a brooch. There are a few pics on the site I got the sig from xxx
    Oh goodness…well, I have finally realised I literally cannot spell. I am either losing whatever ability to spell that I had or I never had any in the first place. Xxx
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  8. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    Same ::hearts::
    Any Jewelry and BoudiccaJones like this.
  9. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    At least I am in great company xxxx
    antidiem and Any Jewelry like this.
  10. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I know how to spell, but usually can't, if that makes sense.
    (three corrections in this post:hilarious:)
    antidiem and BoudiccaJones like this.
  11. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    Well we all seem to manage to get our points across so in my book we’re all doing ok
    Am on my iPad as my lappys having surgery, and not much fun!!! I wantyyyy my lappy back xxxx Tried to add emojis just for the hell but they didn’t happen !!

    HAPPY EDIT! My lappy is back <3 HURRAH!!!!!
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
    komokwa and Any Jewelry like this.
  12. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    Think it's quite a nice composition given subject matter, it draws you right in

    Seeing the art you have posted, I think you have a great eye for paintings (don't say that likely !)
    Any Jewelry and BoudiccaJones like this.
  13. charlie cheswick

    charlie cheswick Well-Known Member

    I always think very simply good or bad

    Good !!:)
    Any Jewelry and BoudiccaJones like this.
  14. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    Thank you Sir, I love a good picture or two. I do try not to look at pictures though ... no wall space but sometimes I just cannot help bringing things back xxxx

    It reminded me of the riverbank in Hay, I used to walk there as a kid xx
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2022
    Any Jewelry and charlie cheswick like this.
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