Featured Age of Oil Lamp?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by smshart, May 26, 2022.

  1. smshart

    smshart Member

    Milk Glass Red Glass Lamp 1.jpg Milk Glass Red Glass Lamp 2.jpg Lamp is about 12 inches tall, before shade. Has a milk glass base and red/cranberry glass that has pattern of daisy flowers all around. Wondering approx. age? No Markings can be found.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2022
  2. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    Hello @smshart & welcome to the forum!! :happy::happy:

    Are there any types of marks on the bottom or metal portion? If so some close-up photos may help. Even if the bottom is not marked it is always a good idea to include one with most items. :)

    I am going to tag some members to see if they can help.

    @TallCakes @Jeff Drum @Roaring20s @sabre123 @Iowa Jayhawk
    smshart likes this.
  3. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    Generally those crimped on pieces aren't all that old. The style looks 1920's, but it could be up to mid century.

    Older would likely have markings on the burner.
  4. TallCakes

    TallCakes Well-Known Member

    anyone have Thuro's books on oil lamps? perhaps there is something to be found there. All I can surmise is this would be called 'Daisy & Vine' but all those I'm finding only speculate on the maker; and those have a different band connecting the pedestal and font as below:

    I have found these with fonts in blue, white, amethyst and cranberry/red; all having the different connecting band. Here's a WP search to go thru (just bypass the nonrelevant):
    vine daisy oil lamp - page 2 | WorthPoint

    my guess: with the connecting band shown here, this is a later reproduction possibly from Wright (Wright acquired many EAPG era molds and contracted to have items produced using their molds by companies like Fenton). Did find one example using this pedestal with marking indicating Wright:
    Fenton 20" Hurricane Lamp - Daisy & Fern Cranberry Glass Font + Milk Glass Base | #3925541047 (worthpoint.com)

    also found another known 'Lincoln Drape' (c1860s) font on this pedestal made by Hobbs Brockunier that includes a Thuro reference:
    Antique Kerosene OIl Lamp - Patriotic Civil War - Lincoln Drape 1860s | #3871719546 (worthpoint.com)

    to summarize: to me this looks possibly to be a 'Daisy & Vine' reproduction, but I'm not that knowledgeable on oil lamps...
    Last edited: May 27, 2022
    bercrystal, smshart, sabre123 and 2 others like this.
  5. smshart

    smshart Member

    Here is picture of the base and additional pictures of the top

    Attached Files:

    bercrystal likes this.
  6. smshart

    smshart Member

    Hello TallCakes,
    Thank you so much -it's most appreciated!
    bercrystal and TallCakes like this.
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