Featured I wish I had a lot of money .... to take to this estate sale

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Bookahtoo, Apr 29, 2022.

  1. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    The pottery and baskets - oh my!!!!! And I have a friend who would be all over those old photos!
    Figtree3, pearlsnblume and judy like this.
  2. Pat Dennis

    Pat Dennis Active Member

    As a member of the "Boomer Antique Collectors Club", you can understand why dealers in the 70s kept saying how it was getting harder to find the good stuff. Collecting antiques was a major hobby for many of us. Oh, the joy of the Hunt. Back then, it took a lot of work venturing to country sales/auctions/shops. Much less the books on collecting we bought or got from the library. Boy, could we have used GOOGLE! Fast forward 50 years as Boomers are downsizing, we see where it went. Sadly, the youngsters are not actively into collecting the truly good stuff. I see antique stuff for cheap that I used to see in books now on eBay/Etsy. Yep, I'm still collecting. I told my granddaughter in college to just pack the stuff away and store it until she retires. Maybe by then, the values will have rebounded.;)
  3. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    pearlsnblume and Pat Dennis like this.
  4. Joan

    Joan Well-Known Member

    What I find interesting is the feeling I get when looking at all the photos and realizing that I have items in my meager collection that are similar to items in several different categories at this mega sale, but now mine don't seem as special. I used to go searching for hidden treasures one at a time at estate sales and thrift stores to unwind from a stressful job. So for me, buying something at a sale like this wouldn't be fun or challenging (even at bargain prices), because it wouldn't give me the satisfaction of thinking I had a good eye for spotting something special. I'm curious if the person(s) who owned this collection bought things a few at a time, or bought up other collections. In any case, I suppose all of these things are much more abundant in the northeastern part of the country than here in the Midwest.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2022
  5. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    They were maybe, before this dude bought them all!
    judy, NewEngland and pearlsnblume like this.
  6. Joe2007

    Joe2007 Collector

    Wow looking through the pictures I am just shocked at how many high-end items are packed into this estate. As you all know I have a soft spot for art pottery and this collection at the estate sale is a lot of the better, harder to find stuff. The person or persons who assembled this must have been very knowledgeable to collect desirable pieces in so many subject areas and their funds must have been near unlimited to afford to keep it all.
  7. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    I agree Joe.
    Ghopper1924, NewEngland and judy like this.
  8. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    Good Lord-this looks more like the Smithsonian's Basement than a normal (or even extraordinary) Estate Sale !!! First of all the Daguerreotypes and Cabinet Cards are like things You'd find at The V&A or the George Eastman Photography Museum ( NEVER find this amount of real quality in Oregon-too newly settled & my town was founded in the 1840's). I guess i might have busted into a retirement account or tried to get quick second mortgage from a loan shark. A Tut's Tomb of Americana.Do these kind of sales happen much in New England ?
    Born2it and NewEngland like this.
  9. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Not often. There's a crazy digger sale this weekend one town over. Too many stairs, so I'm not going, but they do happen. These things are rare for a reason!
  10. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    That Sale was one for the ages !
  11. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    My thought exactly!
  12. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

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