I wish for help telling me what era this hat is from Ty

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by Diane Bean, Mar 14, 2022.

  1. Diane Bean

    Diane Bean Active Member

    I hope these help. IMG_20220315_211019.jpg IMG_20220315_211019.jpg IMG_20220315_211051.jpg IMG_20220315_211034.jpg IMG_20220315_211019.jpg
    judy likes this.
  2. Diane Bean

    Diane Bean Active Member

    Lilly in mourning. IMG_20220315_210937.jpg
    judy likes this.
  3. Diane Bean

    Diane Bean Active Member

    I'm so sorry. We are living in an unfinished house at the moment, and it's hard to find a spot that is clear with the renovation. Would it help if I just put it on something white with nothing around it. Also, my camera really stinks.
    judy likes this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    A sheet would work. (A plain sheet.)

    Diane Bean likes this.
  5. BoudiccaJones

    BoudiccaJones Well-Known Member

    I was hoping for a pic of Lilly! Now she is gorgeous. Thank you for showing us xxx
    (All doggoes are gorgeous,<3 but I have a real soft spot for Spans, a black working cocker owns me and my hub xxx)
    komokwa, Houseful and judy like this.
  6. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    LOL... OMG! You guys are a hoot! Now, about the hat... it kind of looks like something Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies would have worn for a fancy occasion! :joyful::shy:

    My question is about the "lacy edge". It must be wired. Is it wired with a stiff enough wire that it doesn't bend easily; or is it a real soft bendy wire?

    It "seems" like it would have been curled slightly at the sides and curled up a bit at the back to go over a updo... and straighter at the front.

    Is the lace all the same width - or narrower at the back and sides?

    I'm picturing late 1800's... but it truly seems an oddity. Late 1890's were tiny hats perched smack on the center of the head - with a fairly wide brim which they festooned... and sometimes dropped a net veil off the front. Earlier 1860's were dinky hats meant to set on the back of the head and the decoration on the brim stood more upright...

    Truly an oddity!
    Cheerio, Leslie
    komokwa and Houseful like this.
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