Featured Astley D M Cooper Oil Painting Questions

Discussion in 'Art' started by techbiker, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. techbiker

    techbiker Well-Known Member

    front.jpg back.jpg Howdy,

    I just purchased what I believe is an 1886 Astley D. M. Cooper oil painting on board in the original frame. Unfortunately, a crack runs through the middle of the board and the painting is covered in a heavy patina. As it sits, the painting is honestly not very attractive.

    I'm a decent trim carpenter however I have no experience restoring older oil-on-board paintings. I'd like to get the board crack repaired and the front cleaned to stabilize and partially restore the painting. What would typically be done here on a relatively limited budget? Since the primary concern is the crack in the board, I don't mind settling for a basic clean. If it comes down to it though, I'd rather do nothing than risk doing something that harms the painting.

    Also do you think this is an original Astley D.M. Cooper painting?

    Thanks a bunch!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2022
    charlie cheswick, Figtree3 and judy like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I can't see the signature.......can u show a close up....

    have u verified that writing on the back.......or is that yours?
  3. techbiker

    techbiker Well-Known Member

    Those are just pictures from the online sale yesterday unfortunately. When I receive the painting this week, I will definitely take more/ better pictures. I just wanted to jump on this in case I need to take any special precautions while unboxing and handling the painting given the large crack. Attached is another picture of the front from a different angle.

    I haven't verified the writing on the back. It's also from the sale. The seller says that the painting is from an estate and the provenance has not been completely verified due to the smudged signature.

    While the signature is smudged it does seem similar to Cooper's earlier signatures. Astley D.M. Cooper Painting, Figures in a Storm | Witherell's Auction House (witherells.com)

    I'm sorry I can't provide much more detail at the moment. I should be able to take much better photos by the end of the week. I can also reach out to the seller to see if they have more information. Thank you again!

    Attached Files:

    judy and Hi2022 like this.
  4. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

    Nice image.

    That's a tough one. The signature is similar, but weak and blurred. Looks like the painting had a aggressive cleaning and they avoided the signature.

    Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 2.32.21 AM.png
    PS: I'm no expert and I would have taken a chance on it, if it was price low.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
  5. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    Looking at other Cooper paintings online, I think you'll need an opinion from someone familiar with his works. This painting does not seem particularly sophisticated.

    Signatures are important but not definitive. The real story is in the artwork.
    techbiker, Figtree3 and judy like this.
  6. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I agree with all of these comments.
    techbiker likes this.
  7. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  9. techbiker

    techbiker Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone for the help. I will reach out to Mr. Peterson and will upload better pictures here when I can grab them. I wonder if this could be an old imitation or perhaps something Cooper painted while famously tipsy. I also wonder if the thick patina is obscuring some detail.

    I paid $100 for the painting and will hopefully see if the gamble pays off. If it's just a low-value imitation I may attempt to repair the crack myself with as much guidance as I can find.
  10. Roaring20s

    Roaring20s Well-Known Member

    Well worth the price IMHO!
    techbiker likes this.
  11. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I know there's at least one Baumgartner video in which he repairs a cracked panel. May be more than one.

    Search this on YouTube (6 part series - haven't watched it myself):

    Wood That It Were So Simple: Conserving A Split Panel Painting
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
  12. techbiker

    techbiker Well-Known Member

    Hi again,

    I reached out to Mr. Peterson but unfortunately no reply yet. I will keep trying to track down a Cooper expert. In the meantime, the painting arrived! Although the seller tried to pack it well, a tack popped out and the rear backer board shifted down.

    The painting appears to be in great shape. I took a bunch of pictures of the front (including with a black light). I also took some pictures of the rear of the actual painting board before replacing the missing tack. Please see Imgur link below. The signature appears to read A.D. Cooper 1886. Let me know what you think though.

    I wonder if cleaning would reveal more detail? I doubt it was originally this yellowed. If it's probably authentic, it may be worth hiring a restorer. The rubber band is holding the painting in the frame. Moreotherstuff, thank you for the video series. Very informative.

    Thanks again!

    Astley DM Cooper 1886 2-2-22 - Imgur

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2022
    judy likes this.
  13. techbiker

    techbiker Well-Known Member

    P.S. I just met with the conservator this morning. My updated understanding of the painting:

    1. The painting appears to have been cleaned at one point. Whoever cleaned it appears to have skipped the signature perhaps to avoid degrading it further.
    2. No apparent overpaint.
    3. The painting isn't appreciably yellowed, although there may be a bit of cigarette staining or grime on it.
    4. It does appear to be authentically from the late 1800s.
    5. The conservator checked it under a microscope and discovered what appears to be heat damage around the bottom of the painting around the signature. It seems the paint has been "boiled" there (I'm probably not explaining well). Perhaps it was hung over a fireplace at one point? That may explain the blurred signature.
    6. Seems there is no varnish on the painting, leaving it a bit dull. Perhaps that was removed during the previous cleaning.
    7. The composition is pleasing. More like a sketch.

    After speaking with a Cooper expert too, I believe this is likely a "rushed" or "quick" but authentic Cooper. It would look better with a gentle clean, re-varnish, and frame repair.
  14. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Interesting. Thanks for the update!
    techbiker and judy like this.
  15. StinaSelander

    StinaSelander New Member

    I'm very interested in contacting Me. Peterson about 2 A.D.M. Cooper paintings. Could someone tell me how to contact him?
  16. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    @techbiker ...... may be so inclined..:yawn:

    ( what ever happened to please & thank you.....:meh:)
    techbiker and BoudiccaJones like this.
  17. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Have you tried either of the Facebook links up there ^
    Figtree3 likes this.
  18. bosko69

    bosko69 Well-Known Member

    It could be a quick study by Cooper,maybe painted outdoors from life .
    techbiker likes this.
  19. techbiker

    techbiker Well-Known Member

    Funny this topic came back up. I just finished cleaning, varnishing, and repaired the wood backer for this painting. Used regular emulsion cleaner and varnished with semi gloss Regalrez conservation varnish. The painting was apparently previously cleaned years ago and was not varnished when I started work on it. Why aren't more paintings varnished? I've got to give this varnish a 5/5 rating. Adds great depth, protects, and is more removable and resistant to yellowing than Damar.

    Anyway the frame was much dirtier than it appeared at first. Rather than coming off, some of the gunk on the frame just darkened. Need to work on the frame more but I've stabilized and protected the painting for now at least.

    Stina, unfortunately I haven't been able to get in touch with Mr. Peterson (I've tried his FB). Have you posted pictures of your Cooper paintings to the forum? Folks here may be able to help. I'm more than happy to comment but the only Cooper experience I have relates to my painting.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
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