Featured Help to ID this old piece

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Thomas Hamilton, Feb 11, 2022.

  1. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    I turned the pictures the right way up,

    5B4AA4CA-E8C4-48F5-B11B-56879C8562E9.jpeg 7ADCE0B0-9985-489E-8005-87ED2B3C65B3.jpeg 836C884B-CC8C-47B4-8C0A-C3F78C48945C.jpeg A80E1983-79F2-41FF-AA97-157F952BDCBF.jpeg
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Obviously newer and with a certain esthetic that evokes classical furniture design. I am not as enamored with it as some of the others. Find it a bit clunky in design, the choice and placement of the wood grain on the drawers distracting, the hardware a bit small and lacking...... I could go on. Overall, it is a nice piece but give me a real antique any day.
  3. Thanks for correcting the pictures. They were right side up in the preview so not sure!

    @verybrad I hear you! Nothing wrong with your opinion. Everyone has their own style. We find it beautiful, makes us happy, and will get many years of use out of it. Which is why we bought it. To each their own! :)
  4. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    Your welcome, As contemporary modern furniture, it is quite a feat and the interior draws are equisite. It is very fine quality. I also agree with verybrad, the workmanship and skills used on antique furniture make them just that more beautiful. He did say overall that this was a nice piece which is what everyone else has said.

    Now that it has been mentioned, I can see the pediment is a little clunky and when i first saw it, my first impression also was that is modern, however i did not know why, nor could articulate it.

    That is the expertise of the posters like very brad to explain that to us, and :) so his opinion is invaluable.
    Ghopper1924 and Thomas Hamilton like this.
  5. @Francisco G Kempton

    absolutely, I understand completely. I bought it because we liked it and when it arrived here, we got curious about the history if any. Specifically because it came from castle hill which everyone around here knows well. It just looked antique to our untrained eye and just wanted to know what the original intended use and if it were in fact old.

    It sounds like you said, a high quality modern piece. The group has been very helpful and I’m impressed. Y’all know your stuff!

    I agree it’s a big piece and certainly see where a seasoned professional would not like this piece over an actual antique and could turn others away from it. The things he mentioned I just don’t see because I’m know knowledgeable enough! It’s quite grand in person.

    He’s obviously had many years of experience with antique furniture and I respect that for sure. I’ve learned a lot just from this experience alone. If it is 20-30 or so years old, it’s antique to me! I’m 33 Many thanks to each and everyone who has helped!
  6. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    I am no expert but I can see clearly this is high quality furniture. I find the interior cabinet drawers exceptionally well done. You are quite lucky to have found this. If someone had said this was from the 19th century, I would have no issue believing them :) I hope it brings you much happiness and pleasure.
  7. @Francisco G Kempton thank you very much! I’m in the process of dusting off the cobs webs and cleaning it up. Can’t wait to see it after!
  8. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    Generally an excellent reason to buy something, and I applaud your - and your wife’s - taste!

    A rather grand lady I very much admired told me long ago what she felt were the proper criteria for purchasing something. I’ve
    yet to come up with anything better. I wish I had written down her exact words, but I let my foolish pride dissuade me.

    Basically, it boiled down to

    1 - Do you love it? If yes, +1

    2 - Is it brand new, just released, and so extremely obviously the epitome of the latest fashion that anyone with a television could identify it as such? If no, +1

    3 - Would a layman be able to tell that it isn’t amateur work? If yes, +1

    4 - Will it be so difficult, risky, and/or expensive to clean and maintain that one has to be in - or ship it to - a major city to have it done? If no, +1

    5 - Can it actually be regularly used, or at least displayed? If yes, +1

    6 - Is it obviously damaged? If no, +1

    7 - Will a layman require assistance determining its age? If yes, +1

    8 - Are the people you love most going to be hurt or angry if you buy it? If no, +1.

    9 - Do you truly need it for a practical and easily explained reason? If yes, +1

    10 - Do you love it? If yes, +1

    And it isn’t an accident that loving it is in there twice :)
  9. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    +1 :) :smuggrin:

    Attached Files:

    Figtree3 and Thomas Hamilton like this.
  10. @Born2it She’s definitely got an eye for nice pieces. :)

    Thank you for sharing that. Sounds like a smart lady with many great points! I think this piece met all the criteria you mentioned above. I plan to use this in the future when deciding on purchases.
    Ghopper1924 and Born2it like this.
  11. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    I agree its sorta clunky but thats what I like about it. Its got presence ! They do build modern furniture in the old manner,all hand hewn,etc. I love antique furniture too,but Id gladly give this beauty room. All those drawers for storage is a GOOD thing in my house.
  12. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    How are the drawer sides constructed? Any dovetailing?

    The hinge appears to be stamped "JARODS"? Google says that's a current company located in India that makes door and window hardware. Very quick searching didn't reveal how long they've been in business, and I suppose the hinges could have been replaced.
  13. @bluumz yes, I tried to research them as well. I’m almost certain some hardware has been replaced. Some mismatched screws etc.

    Here is a picture of the side of a drawer.


    I’m sorry, I’m not sure how to upright the picture.
    komokwa and Born2it like this.
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