Featured What are these? Candle snuffers?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by KSW, Feb 7, 2022.

  1. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    That’s what I thought until I looked online and all the examples I can see all seem to have a little box on the top.
    The blades are made up of two right angles blades which fit together.
    Any ideas please?
    Thankyou :)
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  2. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Grape shears?
    kyratango, RichardE, Boland and 4 others like this.
  3. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    My thoughts also!:cat:
    KSW, kyratango, RichardE and 3 others like this.
  4. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Ooh maybe! Off to look…
    Thankyou :)
    Not that I have any grapes to shear I may add but they sound very posh!
    Born2it, Boland, Figtree3 and 3 others like this.
  5. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Spot on ladies! Thankyou, that is exactly what they are.
    Does the style or the patterns date them? Victorian or later?
    pearlsnblume and judy like this.
  6. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    I am uncertain of the era.
    pearlsnblume and KSW like this.
  7. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    Maybe I am being totally dense but I do not understand how these work. :confused::confused::confused::bag:

    Do the grapes go inside the shears? :confused::confused::rolleyes:
    KSW and pearlsnblume like this.
  8. judy

    judy Well-Known Member

    I always thought they were to cut a cluster of grapes off the main stem?
    KSW and Bakersgma like this.
  9. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    I never heard of grape shears. Live and learn.
    Born2it, judy and KSW like this.
  10. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  11. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Neither had I! We do have a grape vine on the allotment, I may have to try them out.
    Born2it, judy, Boland and 3 others like this.
  12. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    Your neighbors are going to think you are getting way too hoity-toity for the place. ;):playful::playful: :p:p :kiss::kiss: :D :hilarious::hilarious:
    KSW, judy and Boland like this.
  13. popsycat

    popsycat Well-Known Member

    I have always known them as grape scissors. We have a pair which we sometimes use.
    KSW and judy like this.
  14. Shangas

    Shangas Underage Antiques Collector and Historian

    Definitely grape scissors. For cutting individual clumps of grapes off of the main bunches. A friend of mine has a set in sterling silver which they bought for a PALTRY sum of money at some antiques shop once. Apparently the seller didn't know silver when they saw it and my friend got a bargain.
    KSW, pearlsnblume and judy like this.
  15. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    F51B85C7-E31B-49A9-B51A-94D53C2F7023.jpeg 04170185-4E73-447A-A962-1BCC853762A6.jpeg
  16. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    What happened to a peel me a grape tool? LOL
    KSW, bercrystal and judy like this.
  17. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

  18. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    @bercrystal does this text exchange about stock cubes between me and my OH confirm our poshness?
    Born2it, pearlsnblume and bercrystal like this.
  19. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Lidl does venison meat balls. ;)
    bercrystal and KSW like this.
  20. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Lidl? LIDL? :rolleyes:
    Honestly OBB, Don’t shatter the dream :hilarious:
    Actually Lidl and Aldi stuff are great and so much cheaper than the others.
    bercrystal and pearlsnblume like this.
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