Art glass suncatcher & candle holder - Scandinavian?

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by UncleChuckTX, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. UncleChuckTX

    UncleChuckTX Well-Known Member

    I found the large suncatcher a few months ago at an estate sale. Today, I found a matching candle holder at my fave thrift. This is thick, heavy art glass. I've actually been expecting the suncatcher to pull its hook out of the windowframe, due to the weight.

    Anyway - I've searched for every variation of "snowflake", "snow flakes", and "ice", etc., that I can think of. Before I found the candle holder, I thought it also might be representing grapefruit or citrus, and I searched for those, too, a while back.

    Anyone recognize? I also looked through all the Blenko catalogs, and I think we can rule them out. Thanks!

    IMG_8984.JPG IMG_8986.JPG IMG_8985.JPG
  2. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Maybe the disk is actually a cheese or fruit plate+suncatcher? and missing a leather hanger?
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  3. UncleChuckTX

    UncleChuckTX Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    I think I found it. "Nautilus" by Hadeland of Norway. It appears to be quite a large line of glass, and may take me some time to find my exact window piece.

    How they came up with that name, I'm clueless. Unless nautilus means something different in Norwegian that it does in English... I got lucky in my search, and someone had one of the pieces described as "snowflake" (which was what I was guessing).
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    Any Jewelry and scoutshouse like this.
  4. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Franciscan makes a line of dinnerware "Sea Sculpture" with Nautilus, Sea Urchin, Sand Dollar - that was ringing a bell, but still... Nautilus? I agree!

    I can see texture... but not the symmetry of the design.

    Screen Shot 2016-03-31 at 7.40.55 PM.png

    Nice finds!
    UncleChuckTX likes this.
  5. desperate_fun

    desperate_fun Irregular Member

    Here is a pic of a "Chambered Nautilus" The one scoutshouse posted is a depiction of a "Paper Nautilus"

    UncleChuckTX likes this.
  6. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

  7. UncleChuckTX

    UncleChuckTX Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the examples, everyone. Now that I see the chambered nautilus shell, I think I see what the designer was going for. I guess I've been conditioned after seeing the word "nautilus" referred to so many times as more of a spiral design, e.g.:


    And that's not even what it really looks like, unless you slice it open.
  8. JohnNL

    JohnNL Well-Known Member

  9. Lark

    Lark Well-Known Member

    Maybe they named after the tentacular arms of the nautilus.
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