MCM dresser/lowboy (?)

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by DivasFinds, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    Picked up at auction last night. This is only pick I have of it. Physically will pickup Saturday. Not sure of brand, fingers crossed....I sold a Mengel like it here for $325 a few mos ago....picked this one up for $100....hope I don’t lose on it yikes.... Screenshot_20211216-062340_Chrome_copy_270x600.jpg
    judy likes this.
  2. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

    That color makes me think laminate,wich was on lower end 50s-60s furniture.
  3. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    Ugh I hope not....assuming that means cheaper.....I've never liked blondes.....
    judy likes this.
  4. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Google gave me this similar one by Bassett, hard to tell how close exactly though the drawers seem a bit different. Bassett did make wavy drawers but don't know about yours.

    Last edited: Dec 16, 2021
    judy, komokwa and DivasFinds like this.
  5. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    Yes definitely similar but mine has the wavy drawers up top only....hardware/handles may be similar? Is the blonde color most always laminate or is it sometimes wood, do you know?
    judy likes this.
  6. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    UPDATE: I picked up everything yesterday EXCEPT this dressser.....but I was able to get eyes on it and it IS wood (not laminate!!) I opened a couple drawers and couldn't see a brand name and it was backed against a wall, so I couldn't get to the back of it....hoping it's a decent brand, it does have some dings so a little profit would be nice....still a little nervous about this buy, but live and learn, right??
  7. James Conrad

    James Conrad Well-Known Member

  8. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member sweet, tolerant husband picked this up for me this afternoon....would love everyone's thoughts. Paid about $115 for, I live in a great resell market (Seattle)
    It IS Wood, looks to have a varnish on top that's wearing off. Not fabulous shape sadly, some dings and scratches that weren't listed in auction photos....grrr.....

    Only identifying Mark is the stamp on back (also appears to have had a mirror at one point--no more). Also to note....back legs different than front (?) Why?!
    Can anyone give me any idea of brand? Or value? Or ???? thx! 20211218_143023_copy_1008x756.jpg 20211218_143030_copy_756x1008.jpg 20211218_143034_copy_756x1008.jpg 20211218_143040_copy_756x1008.jpg 20211218_143044_copy_756x1008.jpg 20211218_143112_copy_756x1008.jpg 20211218_143122_copy_756x1008.jpg 20211218_143053_copy_1008x756.jpg
  9. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    :oops::oops::oops:........good luck with it !
    DivasFinds likes this.
  10. Pat Dennis

    Pat Dennis Active Member

    My collecting mantra: May all my "learning events" be under 100 USD. :eek::eek:
    James Conrad and DivasFinds like this.
  11. DivasFinds

    DivasFinds Well-Known Member

    yeah having a little buyers remorse, my competitive side got the best of me! But, I'm going to stay optimistic that someone may want this as a project!
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